GEO Files - Galaxy1036/AL-Assets-RE GitHub Wiki

.geo files are files who contains all information about the geometry of 3d models such as vertices & indices


IFF representation

<form tag="ROOT">
   <form tag="GEOM">
      <form tag="0000">
         <form tag="PRIM">
            <form tag="0002">
               <chunk tag="SHDR"/>
               <form tag="VBF ">
                  <chunk tag="0003"/>
               <chunk tag="VRTX"/>
               <chunk tag="INDX"/>
               <chunk tag="BOX "/>

Note: The 0000 form can contains multiple PRIM forms, they all represents a 3d object.

Chunks format


VRTX chunk contains all informations about the vertices & probably more.

Data type Purpose
UINT32 Vertices block count

Veritces block format:

Data type Length Purpose
binary16 2 vertice x position
binary16 2 vertice y position
binary16 2 vertice z position
binary16 2 unknown, maybe normal x coord
binary16 2 unknown, maybe normal y coord
binary16 2 unknown, maybe normal z coord
UINT32 4 unknown, maybe RGBA8888 encoded vertice color, usually 0xFFFFFFFF
binary16 2 unknown, maybe texcoord s
binary16 2 unknown, maybe texcoord t


INDX chunk contains all indices used to create the object mesh

Data type Length Purpose
UINT32 4 Indices count
List of binary16 Indices count Object indices


SHDR chunk contains info about the shader file used for the 3d object


Data type Purpose
STRING Shader file path

"BOX "

Probably describe a bounding box for the 3d object Note: Following uint32 are probably using big endian instead of little endian

Data type Purpose
UINT32 unknown, maybe upper left back x coordinate
UINT32 unknown, maybe upper left back y coordinate
UINT32 unknown, maybe upper left back z coordinate
UINT32 unknown, maybe box depth size
UINT32 unknown, maybe box length size
UINT32 unknown, maybe box height size
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