JamGameOver - GalanCM/Godot-Jamkit GitHub Wiki

JamGameOver is a simple Game Over screen, and can be used two different ways: either as an overlay by adding it to your current scene, or by loading it as a stand-alone scene. Once loaded, it pause the scene and present two options: continue by pressing any key, of quit by pressing ESC.

Like JameTitleScreen, there are several recommended modifications

Restart Mode

Restart mode is a script variable that determines what scene will be loaded when the player chooses to continue. By default, it is set to Current Scene. This is useful when loading JamGameOver as an overlay in a game with a single game scene, and will simply run get_tree().reload_current_scene(). If you want to load a diffent scene, you can instead set Restart Mode to Target Scene, and select a Restart Target.


The Game Over, Continue, and Quit labels are intentionally barebones. It is recommended to change the wording, font, and layout to suit your game. You can even replace them with Sprites or modify the animation, and the top node inherents from TextureFrame so you can add a background image, much like JamTitleScreen.