Joining Testnet Galactica - Galactica-corp/galactica GitHub Wiki

Joining testnet Galactica

Getting Started

Make sure the following prerequisites are completed:


Hardware Recommended Specifications:

Recommended Hardware requirements for starting Galactica node

Type of instance CPU RAM Disk*
Validator 4 cpu 16 GB 400 GB
Relay 4 cpu 16 GB 400 GB

* Requirements for disk space may increase during network growth

Preparing keys

Prepare dir & variables

Before any execution, you need to create a folder that will keep configurations and keys to the wallet

mkdir galactica-validator
cd $_

and export some variables to reuse them later

# set dir for data & configs
export MAIN_PATH_HOME=./
# set dir for configs, by default ~/.galactica
# set chain_id which we will join
export CHAIN_ID=galaandr_41238-41238
# that's how keys will be kept - in that case in a file and encrypted with a password


For easy use, you can create a temporary alias to galacticad with preconfigured params:

alias gala="galacticad --home $MAIN_PATH_HOME --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND"

Additionaly you can add this alias to your environment by default:

echo alias gala="galacticad --home $(realpath $MAIN_PATH_HOME) --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND" >> ~/.bashrc

Get keys for your validator

You need to get your private key to validator instance dir. If you don't have a wallet at that moment see how to create them or if you need to move already created keys how to export and import them.

Configure galacticad instance for joining testnet

Initialize configuration for validator

# Configure your client to connect with your node
gala config chain-id $CHAIN_ID
gala config keyring-backend file
gala config node tcp://
# Set name of your node/validator
export VALIDATOR_MONIKER=name_of_validator
sed -i.backup "s?moniker = \".*\"?moniker = \"$VALIDATOR_MONIKER\"?" $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/config.toml

Change network parameters in config.toml and app.toml

sed -i 's?laddr = "tcp://"?laddr = "tcp://"?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/config.toml
sed -i 's?proxy_app = "tcp://"?proxy_app = "tcp://"?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/config.toml
sed -i 's?cors_allowed_origins = \[\]?cors_allowed_origins = \["*"\]?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/config.toml

sed -i.backup '/\[api\]/,+3 s?enable = false?enable = true?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?address = "tcp://localhost:1317"?address = "tcp://"?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?enabled-unsafe-cors = false?enabled-unsafe-cors = true?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?address = "localhost:9090"?address = ""?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i '/\[grpc-web\]/,+7 s?address = "localhost:9091"?address = ""?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?pruning = "default"?pruning = "nothing"?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?minimum-gas-prices = ".*"?minimum-gas-prices = "10ugnet"?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml

Get genesis.json file

Genesis file will be published later.

This file need to be placed in config dir of your instance

mv genesis.json $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/

Get list of seeds

List of seeds in seeds.txt file will be published later.

You need at least one endpoint from it to use galacticad to manage your funds later.

For now you can place that file in config dir of your instance

mv seeds.txt $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/

After that copy lines from that file to config/config.toml p2p.seeds section like below:

# ...
# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
seeds = "tcp://[email protected]:26656,tcp://[email protected]:26656,tcp://[email protected]:26656"

Start validator node

Try to start node wit command below:

galacticad start --home=$(realpath $MAIN_PATH_HOME) --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --keyring-backend=file --pruning=nothing --metrics --rpc.unsafe --log_level=info --json-rpc.enable=true --json-rpc.enable-indexer=true --json-rpc.api=eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3 --api.enable

To check that your node is syncing right now see catching_up attribute in gala status respose

Also in Linux, you can create systemd unit file galactica.service

echo > galactica.service <<EOF
  Description=galactica validator service
  WorkingDirectory=$(realpath $MAIN_PATH_HOME)
  ExecStart=$(which galacticad) start --home=$(realpath $MAIN_PATH_HOME) --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --keyring-backend=file --pruning=nothing --metrics --rpc.unsafe --log_leve=info --json-rpc.enable=true --json-rpc.enable-indexer=true --json-rpc.api=eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3 --api.enable
## uncomment if you create a separate user on the server for galactica purpose
#   User=galactica
#   Group=galactica
sudo mv galactica.service /etc/systemd/system/galactica.service
sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/galactica.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now galactica.service

Delegate token to validator node

After your node is synced to the network and you have funds in your account, you can create a validator from your node. Here's how to do it:

  1. Prepare for staking: The minimal amount for self-delegation on galaandr_41238-41238 is 100 gnet. This is the minimum amount you need to stake to become a validator.
  2. Check the active set: The network has an active set of 100 validators. To produce blocks, you need to be in this active set. You can check the current active set and staking amounts at Galactica Explorer. To enter the active set, you'll need to have enough total stake. This can be achieved through a combination of self-delegation and delegations from other users. You don't necessarily have to stake all the tokens yourself.
  3. Create your validator: Use the following command to create your validator:
gala tx staking create-validator \
  --amount=5000gnet \
  --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID \
  --fees `awk 'BEGIN {print 20e6}'`agnet \
  --moniker=$VALIDATOR_MONIKER \
  --commission-rate="0.05" \
  --commission-max-rate="0.10" \
  --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
  --from=$KEY_NAME \
  --pubkey=`gala tendermint show-validator` \
  --min-self-delegation=`bc <<< 'scale=50; 5000*10^18'`

Check delegations to validator

After that you can check your validator`s delegations:

gala query staking delegations-to `gala keys show $KEY_NAME --bech val -a`

And check that your validator takes part in block validation:

gala query staking historical-info `gala status | jq -r '.SyncInfo.latest_block_height'`

Add stake to validator

If you want delegate more to validator you can with command:

gala tx staking delegate `gala keys show $KEY_NAME -a --bech val` `$AMOUNT`ugnet --from=$KEY_NAME --fees 2000000ugnet --chain-id $CHAIN_ID 

Unbond some tokens from validator

export VALIDATOR_ADDR=`gala keys show $KEY_NAME -a --bech val`
echo "Unbond 9 GNET tokens from validator ($VALIDATOR_ADDR)..."

gala tx staking unbond $VALIDATOR_ADDR 9000000ugnet --from $KEY_NAME --fees 2000000ugnet


To run galactica node:

mkdir -p gala-validator
cd $_

Place a script below

alias gala="gallacticad --home $MAIN_PATH_HOME --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND --keyring-dir $MAIN_PATH_HOME"
echo Create keys for the wallet
galacticad keys add $KEY_NAME --algo secp256k1 --home $MAIN_PATH_HOME --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND --keyring-dir $MAIN_PATH_HOME <<EOF
echo 'Your public main address:'
galacticad keys show $KEY_NAME -a --home $MAIN_PATH_HOME --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND --keyring-dir $MAIN_PATH_HOME <<EOF
echo 'Your validator address to delegate stake tokens:'
galacticad keys show $KEY_NAME --bech val -a --home $MAIN_PATH_HOME --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND --keyring-dir $MAIN_PATH_HOME <<EOF
echo Initialize config
galacticad --home $MAIN_PATH_HOME config chain-id $CHAIN_ID
galacticad --home $MAIN_PATH_HOME config keyring-backend file
galacticad --home $MAIN_PATH_HOME config node tcp://
echo Changing some parameters in config.yaml and app.yaml
sed -i.backup 's?laddr = "tcp://"?laddr = "tcp://"?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/config.toml
sed -i 's?proxy_app = "tcp://"?proxy_app = "tcp://"?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/config.toml
sed -i 's?cors_allowed_origins = \[\]?cors_allowed_origins = \["*"\]?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/config.toml
sed -i "s?moniker = \".*\"?moniker = \"$VALIDATOR_MONIKER\"?" $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/config.toml

sed -i.backup '/\[api\]/,+3 s?enable = false?enable = true?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?address = "tcp://localhost:1317"?address = "tcp://"?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?enabled-unsafe-cors = false?enabled-unsafe-cors = true?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?address = "localhost:9090"?address = ""?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i '/\[grpc-web\]/,+7 s?address = "localhost:9091"?address = ""?' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?pruning = "default"?pruning = "nothing"?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml
sed -i 's?minimum-gas-prices = ".*"?minimum-gas-prices = "10ugnet"?g' $MAIN_PATH_CONFIG/app.toml

Run the script with password additional variable

export CHAIN_ID=galaandr_41238-41238

After that get genesis.json and seeds.txt and locate them accordingly their instructions

Try to start galactica node with command

galacticad start --home=$(realpath $MAIN_PATH_HOME) --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --keyring-backend=file --pruning=nothing --metrics --rpc.unsafe --log_level=info --json-rpc.enable=true --json-rpc.enable-indexer=true --json-rpc.api=eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3 --api.enable

To add galacticad validator to linux systemd-units to autostart service with command below:

echo > /etc/systemd/system/galactica.service <<EOF
  Description=galactica validator service
  WorkingDirectory=$(realpath $MAIN_PATH_HOME)
  ExecStart=$(which galacticad) start --home $(realpath $MAIN_PATH_HOME) --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --pruning=nothing --metrics --rpc.unsafe --log_level info --json-rpc.enable true --json-rpc.enable-indexer true --json-rpc.api eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3 --api.enable
## uncomment if you create a separate user on the server for galactica purpose
#   User=galactica
#   Group=galactica
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now galactica.service

After your node is synced and you get funds on your account - create validator node