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- macOS
- Swift Home
- User Interface
- UIKit 0 (UIKit, UIApplication, UIScreen, UIContol, UIViewController)
- UIKit 1 (UILabel, UIButton, UITextField, UIAlertViewController, UISwitch, UISegmentedControl, UISlider, UIActivityIndicatorView, UIProgressView and AutoLayout)
- UIKit 2 (UIView, UIStackView, UIImage & UIImageView)
- UIKit 3 (UINavigationController, UINavigationBar, UIBarButtonItem, UINavigationItem, UIStoryboardSegue & Passing Data between View Controllers, UITabBar, and UITabBarController)
- UIKit 4 (UITextView, UIStepper, UIPicker, UIDatePicker, UIToolBar & UIBarButtonItem, WKWebView)
- UIKit 5 (UIStackView, UIScrollView and UITabBar)
- UIKit 6 (UITableView and UICollectionView)
- UIKit 7 (Tap, Pinch, Rotation, Swipe, Pan, ScreenEdgePan and LongPress Gesture)
- UIKit 8 (Others)
- Project - UIKit based Address Book
- CoreLocation
- CoreData
- Networking Basic
- Cocoapods
- Push Notifications
- iOS Coding Style Guide
Frameworks Reference - https://developer.apple.com/reference
WWDC - https://developer.apple.com/wwdc/
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