ToDo - Gaff/ GitHub Wiki
Do next
- Local storage isn't secure in some cases.
- Local backup
- Electron
- nojs warning
- Browser plugin
Stretch goals
- Split out index.html templated and inject them in at build time.
- Fix pasted keys with bad CRLF
- Apply markup to output (markdown, html escape, etc?)
- CRLF issues with exported keys
- remove ngAnimate, replace with bootstrap stuff
- Forget decrypted private keys after a while
- Intro page could be better I'm sure.
- Form validation on generate, perhaps some warnings too.
- Sign / verify
- Encrypt with multiple keys
- gmail (et al) support
- (opt-in) cloud storage
- clipboard integration
- Collapse rather than fade
- HPKP - requires new host :(
- Tag builds with revision as well as timestamp
- Unify CNAME and GH_REF variables