First Debrief (with tips from european experts!!!) - Gaellga/Unlocking-the-Gateway-Hackathon GitHub Wiki

To keep in Mind:

  • The Icon should not take to much attention : discreet but visible at the same time (like a basket from a e-commerce web-site?)
  • Mobile : responsive
  • One issue OR the other
  • Techno agnostic (don't explain the techno)
  • a neutral icon to report obstacles that don't fit any category
  • a textual zone in each icon/category if the user wants to be more specific

The Persona:

Citizen / Consumer / Business people : Be sure that your project is modular enough in order to fit all types of persona

IN EACH CASE : someone who already visited other pages (not someone who comes directly to report)

:+1: Killer Ideas:

  • our tool gives a fast service (only a few steps)
  • our tool is automatic (via the user's browsing)
  • our tool invites the user to report obstacles "l'air de rien" (almost on a passive way)

:-1: Tricky parts:

  • The place of our tool's icon (discreet but efficient)
  • RGDP (what about the users who don't want to use cookies?)
  • What about the users who go seek information on another website (ex: google)?
  • Our tool should be transferable to other national platforms