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File Transfer Demo
File Tasks Demo
Config for Transfer and Tasks
Config for Domains
There is no official product yet, this page focuses on how to run our demo.
The transfer demo combines three components: the file server, the file gateway and a file client (using the DviConq Java API library). Ideally this demo would be run on three different computers so you can see each component separately as would naturally occur in production. However three computers is a lot to ask for you to just run a demo, so these instructions are for running all three components on one computer. See Config link above for some notes on how to run on different computers.
The tasks demo has one component: the tasks server.
The demos requires a fair amount of memory, try to have 2GB of memory (RAM) available when running the demos on the same computer.
Install and configure per these instructions. To run:
Run in foreground (as opposed to as service)
Look for the message "Hub entered Running state"
Run in foreground (as opposed to as service)
Look for the message "Hub entered Running state". This may take a few seconds because dcFileServer must first connect to dcGateway before the Gateway is considered to be in running state.
Run in foreground (client cannot be a service)
Look for the message "Hub entered Running state" followed by "Password:" prompt.
Run in foreground (as opposed to as service)
Look for the message "Hub entered Running state" followed by "Password:" prompt.
Install and configure per these instructions. To run:
Run in foreground (as opposed to as service)
#cd /usr/local/bin/dc/dcFileServer
#./ dcFileServer
Look for the message "Hub entered Running state"
Run in foreground (as opposed to as service)
#cd /usr/local/bin/dc/dcFileGateway
#./ dcFileGateway
Look for the message "Hub entered Running state". This may take a few seconds because dcFileServer must first connect to dcGateway before the Gateway is considered to be in running state.
Run in foreground (client cannot be a service)
#cd /usr/local/bin/dc/dcFileClient
#./ dcFileClient
Look for the message "Hub entered Running state" followed by "Password:" prompt.
Run in foreground (as opposed to as service)
#cd /usr/local/bin/dc/dcFileTasks
#./ dcFileTasks
Look for the message "Hub entered Running state" followed by "Domain:" prompt.
As of 0.9.5 the FileServer Demo supports multiple domains. Each domain may have a separate file store defined on the server. Be sure to review the Config for Domains section.
Once configured, start (restart) dcFileServer and be sure all the components are running.
Navigate your Chrome or FireFox browser to https://localhost:4443/. "localhost" maps to your root domain, so you may login as:
- "root" for User
- "A1s2d3f4" for Password
But you may also use other domains assuming you configure them with your DNS server or in your hosts
file. Login as any valid user for that domain - as long as you are using "localhost" then only users for the root domain are valid.
Test file uploads and downloads via the web interface.
At the console for dcFileClient enter:
- "root" for Domain
- "root" for User
- "A1s2d3f4" for Password
You should now see a menu:
Simple File Store Client
0) Exit
1) List Files
2) Upload File
3) Download File
4) Delete File
5) Make Folder
6) Delete Folder
7) File Details
10) Generate Test Files
11) Test Uploads
12) Test Downloads
Following are some steps to test that the install is working correctly.
Create a folder named "test"
---------- Make Folder ----------
Folder Path:
Make Result Messages:
Make Result Response:
Upload file a file (e.g. "1d39d77575344df9bfa3cf8ad81e488b.bin") to folder "test".
---------- Upload File ----------
Local File Name:
Save to Folder ([enter] for root):
2014-09-05T17:23:14.548Z 00100_20140905T172136691Z_000000000000035 M03 Web Client connecting
TRUSTED SERVER CERTIFICATE:, OU=DivConq Labs, O=DivConq, L=Madison, ST=WI, C=US - thumbprint: f715bba06801b34ac0ed195826771de8981327af
Web Data Client disconnected!
Upload worked!
Now do a directory listing on "test":
---------- List Files ----------
Server Path ([enter] for root):
1d39d77575344df9bfa3cf8ad81e488b.bin 28704768 20140905T122322873Z
A directory listing on root:
---------- List Files ----------
Server Path ([enter] for root):
test 0 20140905T122314298Z FOLDER
And finally a download test:
---------- Download File ----------
File Name:
Local Save Path:
2014-09-05T17:31:39.871Z 00100_20140905T172136691Z_000000000000035 M03 Web Data Client connecting
TRUSTED SERVER CERTIFICATE:, OU=DivConq Labs, O=DivConq, L=Madison, ST=WI, C=US - thumbprint: f715bba06801b34ac0ed195826771de8981327af
Web Client Download disconnected!
Download worked!
And so we can see that the basic features of file transfer work, and do so through the Gateway computer.
Out of the box dcFileTasks doesn't do anything. This is deliberate, but means you have to enable the examples manually. Be sure to review the Tasks section in Config for Transfer and Tasks.
Once configured start (restart) dcFileTasks. At the console for dcFileTasks enter:
- "root" for Domain
- "root" for User
- "A1s2d3f4" for Password
You should now see a menu that includes option 100:
100) dcScript GUI Debugger
Use this to try out the dcScript feature.