RAPID Generator - GabrielRumpf/RobotComponents GitHub Wiki


Creates the RAPID Main and Base Code for the robot controller from a given list of actions.

Input Parameter

Actions: Defines code lines for RAPID Main and Base Code based on a list of ordered actions. All available action components can be found in the category Code Generation.

File Path: Defines the location on your hard drive the RAPID Main and Base Code can be saved to as files based on a string value.

Save To File: Saves the RAPID Main and Base Code to your defined File Path if set to true.

RobotInfo: Defines the used robot. A robot can be generated by using a Robot Info or ABB_IRB-1200-7-0.7 component.

Output Parameter

Main Code: The RAPID main code contains the robot instructions such as target definitions, movement behavior etc. More on that topic can be found here: Introduction to RAPID or in the Technial Reference Manual of ABB Robotics.

Base Code: The RAPID base code contains basic defined system data in RAPID code such as tool information. More on that topic can be found here: Introduction to RAPID or in the Technial Reference Manual of ABB Robotics.


Controller Utility: The generated RAPID main and base code can be sent to a virtual or real ABB IRC5 robot controller manually or by using the Remote Connection component.


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