Forward Kinematics - GabrielRumpf/RobotComponents GitHub Wiki


Simulation: This component computes the position of the end-effector of a defined ABB robot based on a set of given axis values. It can be also used for visualizing the robot mesh inside of Rhino.

Input Parameter

Robot Info: Defines the robot based on a Robot Info component.

Axis Values: Defines the current robot axis values based on a list of doubles.

Output Parameter

Robot Mesh: Contains the robot mesh information which is displayed inside of Rhino. Note: Display errors can be fixed by creating a rectangle around and above the robot inside of Rhino like shown here.

End Plane: Contains the plane information about the robot’s end-effector.


Simulation: Visualize a defined robot based on a given list of axis values. The robot mesh will be colored red if any axis values are invalid. Note: Display errors can be fixed by creating a rectangle around and above the robot inside of Rhino like shown here.

Code Generation: Plug the End Plane output of this component into the Plane input of the Action: Target component to define a robot target.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️