Deconstruct Robot Tool - GabrielRumpf/RobotComponents GitHub Wiki


Utility: This component deconstructs an existing robot tool. A robot tool can be generated by using a Robot Tool From Planes or Robot Tools From Data component.

Input Parameter

RobotTool: Defines the robot tool. A robot tool can be generated by using a Robot Tool From Planes or Robot Tools From Data component. The robot tool will be placed on the mounting frame. If no tool is used this input can be left empty.

Output Parameter

Name: Outputs the robot tool name as a string value.

Mesh: Outputs the robot tool mesh as a mesh.

Attachment Plane: Outputs the attachment plane of the robot tool as a plane.

Effector Plane: Outputs the effector plane of the robot tool as a plane.


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️