Action: Target - GabrielRumpf/RobotComponents GitHub Wiki
Code Generation: This component is used to define a target for a robot Action: Movement in simulation and RAPID main code generation.
Name: Defines the name of the target based on a string value. Each target name should be unique. The first letter shouldn’t be a number. Don’t use special characters. If multiple planes are used the target names will be named numerically based on this input.
Plane: Defines the target plane of the target based on one or a list of planes. Note: You can use the Flip Plane component. Since be default grasshopper planes are facing the wrong direction this will make your life easier.
Axis Configuration: Defines the axis configuration of the robot to reach the defined target plane based on an integer value. The range is 0 to 7. Read more on that topic here: Robot Configuration Data.
Target: Contains the defined target information as an Action for RAPID main code generation.
Simulation: Plug the Target output of this component into the Target input of the Inverse Kinematics component to get the robots axis values for the defined target.
Code Generation: Plug the Target output of this component into the Target input of the Action: Movement component to define a robot movement.