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Robot Components
Robot Components is a Plugin for intuitive Robot Programming for ABB robots inside of Rhinos Grasshopper.
The Plugin is a development from the Department of Digital and Experimental Design and Construction of the University of Kassel. Supervised by the head of the department Prof. Eversmann. The technical development is executed by research associate Benedikt Wannemacher and student assistant Gabriel Rumpf.
RobotComponents uses the ABB PC SDK for real-time connection to ABB Robots, you can find the .dll used in this project here: http://developercenter.robotstudio.com/landing
Code Generation: These components are used to generate the RAPID main and base code for an ABB IRC5 robot controller which can be copied manually or uploaded and run by using Controller Utility components. Furthermore, movement instructions can be simulated visually in Rhino by using Simulation components.
Controller Utility: These components are used to build up a real-time connection to an ABB IRC5 robot controller.
Simulation: These components are used to visually approximate the movement behavior of the robot before running the RAPID main and base code on an ABB IRC5 robot controller.
Definitions: These components are used to define robots and robot tools which are needed for Code Generation and Simulation.
Utility: These components support other component categories with extra functionality.
Example Files
General Example: An overview of all robot component categories and workflows.