Game Analysis ( Level 1 & 2) - GSaillenfest/Module_BeatEmUp GitHub Wiki
[Original Game Analysis Lvl 1&2.docx]( ▲ Initial Draft
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Document content :
# Player:
Right and left onlyNo diagonalMovement in 4 directions:
Up: Button ▲Down: Button ▼Right: Button ►Left: Button ◄Constant Run speed
Button: CSuccessive clicks -> different player animationsJab rightCross leftRight upper cutLeft down hookCombo: X > CSuper Combo: X + C (prolonged click: Combo timer in upper left side)Jump:
Button: X Can use simple attacks if jump state active and attack activatedCannot move out of Camera restrictionHas 2 LivesIf death ½ life: instant respawn# Enemies:
Spawn after a small delay:
On the sidesOutside camera boundsRandom starting directionFollow player after first stopIf Hit:
They runLose life pointsIn low health: drop itemsKO: drop items# Camera Movements:
Moves slightly to the side if player moves there:Creates left and right boundariesNo up and down movementsOrthographic# Environment:
Pickables cans:
Button: CAs weaponAs life replenishment: Player must hit the vending machine to get drinks (max 2) if drunk with full health bar : No impactDestructible décor:
Lamp postsStreet barrierVending machine : if 2 cans have already been given and player continues to hit machine# UI
Screen Header:
left: Health bar Combo bar ; Player head image .Middle: ScoreMiddle of the screen:
After destruction of all Enemies in level : (GO!) Arrow direction indicator to go to next levelScreen Footer:
Left: Pause /Play session buttonRight : Mute/Play music button