dbTable: TOWS - GMaynard1/emolt_serverside GitHub Wiki


This table stores metadata from individual tows or hauls of fishing gear. Tow and haul are used to mean the same thing, although in common parlance, "tows" are taken with mobile gear and "hauls" are made with fixed gear. Both gear types "soak" in the water.


Field Type Collation Null Key Default Extra Privileges Comment
TOWS_RAW_ID int NULL NO PRI NULL auto_increment select,insert,update,references UID for this table
TOW_ID int NULL NO MUL NULL select,insert,update,references Links to a record in the TOWS table
TOW_SEGMENT_ID int NULL YES MUL NULL select,insert,update,references Links to a record in the TOWS_SEGMENTS table
TIMESTAMP datetime NULL NO NULL select,insert,update,references When the data point was collected
LATITUDE decimal(10,5) NULL NO NULL select,insert,update,references Latitude at which the data point was collected
LONGITUDE decimal(10,5) NULL NO NULL select,insert,update,references Longitude at which the data point was collected
TR_VALUE decimal(10,5) NULL NO NULL select,insert,update,references Observed value of a parameter at a given time and location
TR_PARAMETER set('TEMP','DEPTH','DO','PH','SPEED','DIR','N_VELO','E_VELO','YAW','PITCH','ROLL','HEADING','TILT_FROM_VERT','TURBIDITY','CONDUCTIVITY','PAR') utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NO NULL select,insert,update,references Parameters that can be measured
TR_UOM set('DEGREES CELSIUS','m','PERCENT','mg/L','pH','cm/s','BEARING DEGREES','FTU','uS','umol/s') utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NO NULL select,insert,update,references Units of measure parameter values are recorded in
DATA_FLAG_1 varchar(3) utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci YES NULL select,insert,update,references Placeholder
DATA_FLAG_2 varchar(3) utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci YES NULL select,insert,update,references Placeholder