Time Accumulator Coupler - GEOS-ESM/MAPL GitHub Wiki

This page is simply a scratch pad to enable use of markdown for simple equations.

Simple export

Produces values at times tne = t0e + n dte

Simple import

Consumes values at times tni = t0i + n dti

Constraint for coupling simple import to simple export:

Each import time must correspond to an export time. This implies a relationship both between the offsets as well as the time steps

  1. dti = $\kappa$ dte where $\kappa$ is an integer
  2. (t0i - dt0e) = $\kappa$ dte where $\kappa$ is an integer

Time accumulation Coupler

Associated with simple export (see times above) and integrates over M timesteps:

Produces values at times tnc = t0e + n M dtc

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