Profiling MAPL Builds - GEOS-ESM/MAPL GitHub Wiki
Building MAPL with Ninja
Profiling MAPL builds is fairly simple but requires a non-standard build, namely a Ninja build. First, clone MAPL per usual:
mepo clone [email protected]:GEOS-ESM/MAPL.git
and checkout your favorite branch. Then run CMake:
cmake -B build -S . --install-prefix=$(pwd)/install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G Ninja
Then you can build and install with:
cmake --build build --target install -j 8
Checking the build times on CLI
To look at the build times on the CLI, you can use this script:
#!/usr/bin/env gawk -f
!/^#/ {
TIMES[$4] += ($2 - $1)/1000
COUNT[$4] += 1
for (TGT in TIMES)
asorti(AVG, SORTED, "@val_num_desc")
for (num in SORTED)
print AVG[SORTED[num]] " " SORTED[num]
If saved as show-ninja-build-stats
, you can run:
$ show-ninja-build-stats build/.ninja_log | grep -v 'mod$' | head
34.786 gridcomps/ExtData2G/CMakeFiles/MAPL.ExtData2G.dir/ExtDataGridCompNG.F90.o
33.706 base/CMakeFiles/MAPL.base.dir/Base.F90.o
28.799 gridcomps/History/CMakeFiles/MAPL.history.dir/MAPL_HistoryGridComp.F90.o
25.658 Apps/CMakeFiles/Regrid_Util.x.dir/Regrid_Util.F90.o
25.497 gridcomps/ExtData/CMakeFiles/MAPL.ExtData.dir/ExtDataGridCompMod.F90.o
20.136 gridcomps/History/CMakeFiles/MAPL.history.dir/MAPL_HistoryCollection.F90.o
15.395 gridcomps/History/CMakeFiles/MAPL.history.dir/Sampler/MAPL_EpochSwathMod.F90.o
14.97 base/CMakeFiles/MAPL.base.dir/MAPL_CFIO.F90.o
14.644 generic/CMakeFiles/MAPL.generic.dir/MAPL_Generic.F90.o
13.423 gridcomps/History/CMakeFiles/MAPL.history.dir/Sampler/MAPL_TrajectoryMod_smod.F90.o
These are the top 10 files in time of compilation.
Obtaining Trace
To get the profile trace, we will use the ninjatracing code by @nico:
This code can convert .ninja_log
files into a format that can be read by Chromium's trace format.
If you don't already have it, clone the repo and then run:
ninjatracing build/.ninja_log > trace.json
or wherever your build from above is.
Displaying trace
To display the trace, copy your JSON file to your local machine, go to and click "Open Trace File". Navigate to your trace file and open it. You'll see something like:
The longer the bar, the longer the time to compile. In the example above, it matches the CLI output for the tall poles.