ABCD process: 4‐step framework for creating change - GECO-Project-App/facilitation-app GitHub Wiki
All exercises can be divided into 'process-oriented' and 'outcome-oriented' exercises. The ABCD process is an outcome-oriented framework.
The ABCD process is an iterative process that isn't linear. You can do A-B-C-D, repeat, but the most important thing is to tune into the need(s) of the group and honor those, while making sure there is a good pace of getting things done where everyone feels heard and included.
A) Creating a shared vision and purpose: Where do we want to go?
Guidelines: create a shared dream of your ideal future. Dream big! Then converge to a concrete purpose.
- How Might We
- Future Press Release
- Writing a purpose statement: 1, 2, 4 all, dot voting
- Collective Visioning
B) Assessing our resources, strengths, positive and negative (environmental) impact: where are we now?
- Some kind of people and resource mapping exercise (in progress)
- Small environmental impact assessment (in progress)
C) Brainstorming small, big and crazy ideas:
Guidelines: generate both small ideas (achievable in a week) to big ideas (up to 20 years)
D) Prioritizing the ideas into an action plan with clearly defined tasks and milestones
Guidelines: what small things can we start doing now to gain momentum and keep the motivation? What big things in the future inspire us to dream towards?
- Agreeing on prioritization criteria
- Dot voting on ideas
- Creating a first action plan