Use Cases (Iteration 2) - GDP-Team01/GDPProject_Team01 GitHub Wiki
Use Cases (Iteration 2) for Food Bank Management System
User Registration:
Actor: user
Description: To access donor capabilities and receive updates, users must create an account on the food bank management system.
Precondition: The user visits the registration page and enters the necessary data. See and modify the profile.
Postcondition: The user creates an account and receives an email confirmation of registration.
Actor: admin
Description: The administrator can add, update, or delete donor information, including name, contact details, donation history, and preferences.
Precondition: Administrator is logged into the system.
Postcondition: Donor information is accurately maintained in the system.
Actor: Donor
Description: Donors can make one-time or recurring donations online using various payment methods such as credit/debit cards or online transfers.
Precondition: The donor is authenticated and selects the donation amount and frequency.
Postcondition: The donation transaction is processed securely, and a receipt is generated for the donor.
Actor: volunteer
Description: Volunteers log donations received in person or by mail into the system, recording details such as donor information, donation type, and quantity.
Precondition: The volunteer is authenticated and has access to donor information.
Postcondition: Donation details are accurately recorded in the system, and a receipt is generated if necessary.
Actor: Food Bank Inventory Manager
Description: The inventory manager monitors inventory levels, tracks incoming donations, and manages stock replenishment as needed.
Precondition: Inventory manager is logged into the system and has access to inventory data.
Postcondition: Inventory levels are updated based on donations received and distributions made.
Use Case: Food Bank Inventory Management
Actor: Admin
Description: Admin monitors inventory levels, tracks incoming donations, and manages stock replenishment as needed.
Precondition: Inventory manager is logged into the system and has access to inventory data.
Postcondition: Inventory levels are updated based on donations received and distributions made.