Non‐Functional Requirements - GDP-Team01/GDPProject_Team01 GitHub Wiki

For Food Bank Management System, Non-functional Requirements act as the invisible guidelines that make sure everything runs well. These are a few crucial Non-functional Requirements:



The system must deliver responsiveness and handle increasing user volume effectively:

  • Responsiveness: Under normal network conditions, user actions should trigger responses within 3 seconds.
  • Report generation: Batch operations like reports should complete within 10 minutes.
  • Scalability: Performance should remain stable even with a 20% increase in concurrent users.


  • Fast response times enhance user experience and efficiency.
  • Reasonable report generation speeds ensure timely access to valuable insights.
  • Scalability accommodates growth and prevents performance bottlenecks.
  • These requirements guarantee an agile and adaptable system that supports increasing user demands without compromising efficiency.


Availability and Data Integrity

This system prioritizes high availability and data integrity with the following key requirements:

  • High uptime: Aim for at least 99.9% uptime, allowing for planned maintenance periods.
  • Regular backups: Conduct automatic daily backups of all data, ensuring a retention period of at least 30 days.
  • Robust error handling: Implement mechanisms to gracefully handle unexpected failures, preventing data loss and minimizing service disruptions.


  • Minimized downtime ensures consistent availability for food banks and clients.
  • Regular backups safeguard crucial data against failures or accidental deletion.
  • Robust error handling prevents cascading issues and data corruption.
  • These requirements ensure a reliable and resilient food bank management system, minimizing disruptions and safeguarding valuable data.



This system prioritizes robust security measures to protect sensitive data and user access:

  • Data encryption: All sensitive information, including donor details and volunteer profiles, must be encrypted at rest (stored) and in transit (communicated).
  • Role-based access control: Implement a system where users only access data and features relevant to their assigned roles, minimizing unauthorized access.
  • Security audits and testing: Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.


  • Encryption safeguards sensitive data from unauthorized access, even if intercepted.
  • Role-based access control grants appropriate user privileges, minimizing the risk of misuse.
  • Regular security assessments strengthen the system's defenses against emerging threats.
  • These requirements ensure a secure environment for managing sensitive data and user accounts, fostering trust and compliance with data protection regulations.


Accuracy, Traceability, and Accountability of data

This system prioritizes the accuracy, traceability, and accountability of data:

  • Data integrity checks: Regular checks are required to identify and prevent data corruption or loss.
  • Version control: Critical data changes should be tracked through version control, enabling rollbacks if necessary.
  • Audit trails: User actions and modifications to sensitive data must be documented in audit trails for accountability and analysis.


  • Data integrity checks ensure reliable and trustworthy information for decision-making.
  • Version control allows for recovering from potential errors or reverting to previous data states.
  • Audit trails provide transparency and facilitate investigations into data modifications.
  • These requirements safeguard data accuracy and promote responsible data management, crucial for fostering trust and ensuring regulatory compliance.


User-friendly Experience

  • Intuitive UI: Design a clear and consistent interface with familiar patterns and terminology, minimizing learning curves.
  • Accessibility: Integrate features that cater to users with diverse needs and abilities, ensuring inclusivity.
  • Training resources: Provide readily available materials (guides, tutorials) to help users learn the system effectively and maximize its potential.


  • An intuitive UI minimizes user frustration and promotes efficient system adoption.
  • Accessibility features broaden the system's reach and inclusivity, catering to all potential users.
  • Comprehensive training empowers users, enhances system utilization, and fosters self-sufficiency.
  • These requirements ensure a welcoming and empowering user experience, promoting engagement and maximizing the system's value for your food bank community.



This system prioritizes adaptability and efficient growth to handle increasing data and user demands:

  • Scalable architecture: The system should be designed with growth in mind, accommodating larger data volumes and user bases.
  • Consistent performance: Scaling shouldn't compromise performance, ensuring consistent response times and functionality under increased load.
  • Scaling strategies: Evaluate and implement horizontal (adding more servers) or vertical scaling (upgrading hardware) as needed to meet demands.


  • Scalability empowers the system to grow alongside your food bank's needs, preventing performance bottlenecks or limitations.
  • Consistent performance ensures reliable and uninterrupted service for users, even during periods of growth.
  • Strategic scaling optimizes resource utilization and cost-effectiveness while meeting performance requirements.
  • These requirements guarantee a future-proof system that adapts to your food bank's evolving needs, ensuring operational efficiency and seamless user experience.