Iteration Plan: Day 1 Week 3 - GDP-Team01/GDPProject_Team01 GitHub Wiki

What tasks from the previous iteration plan did not get completed? Why did they not get completed?

The following tasks from the previous iteration remain incomplete:

  • Working on Admin dashboard, Volunteer Management, Inventory Management

Which tasks from the previous iteration plan will you move to this current plan?

Working on Admin dashboard, Volunteer Management, Inventory Management these will be moved to Current Plan

An assignment of tasks to each group member

Student Task Verification
Sahithi Yamasani Testing the Integration of Maps Successful integration of Maps for Real-time tracking
Amit Working on Admin Dashboard Able to View the all data in the admin dashboard
Rajesh Working on Admin able to edit the Inventory Successful curd operations by admin on Inventory
Rahan After Donation donor should view the Receipt Able to view receipt after Donation
Varshini Volunteer able to view the request send by Admit Successful acceptance of request send by admin
Vamshi Test complete Project with wrong values Test the correctness of project
Sreeja Test complete project with correct values Test the correctness of project

A concrete plan for demonstrating that every task has been completed.

Once each team member has completed their task individually, we perform peer review to check each other's work, whether the completed tasks align with our functional requirements and check if each feature is working efficiently. We then test the features that are implemented in each iteration to check the functionality and discuss whether the implemented features are satisfied with the client.