Improved Test Plan - GDP-Team01/GDPProject_Team01 GitHub Wiki

1. User login:

General Working Cases:

  1. Verify that users can log in with valid credentials.

  2. Ensure users are redirected to the homepage upon successful authentication.

  3. Test login functionality with different valid username and password combinations.

Edge/Special Working Cases:

  1. Test login with special characters in the password.

  2. Verify login with uppercase and lowercase combinations of username and password.

Error Cases:

  1. Attempt login with invalid email.

  2. Attempt login with incorrect password.

  3. Verify error message is displayed for invalid login attempts.

  4. Test login with empty email or password fields.

2. Forgot password:

General Working Cases:

  1. Verify that customers can reset the password using forgot password button.

  2. Ensure that users are redirected to reset password page.

  3. Test the reset password functionality using different email ids.

Edge/Special Working Cases:

  1. Test the reset password with multiple email ids of different kinds of users like admin, donor, recipient and the voulnteer.

Error Cases:

  1. Attempt to reset the password with the incorrect email id.

  2. Attempt to reset the password with the same existing password.

3. Reporting and Analytics dashboard:

General Working Cases:

  1. The admin can view an overview of key metrics such as total food donations received, food donations donated, total number of inventory items.

  2. Admin can monitor the inventory of food items available in the food bank, including current stock levels, expiry dates, and item categories.

  3. The dashboard offers reports such as donation trends over time, monthly, weekly etc.

Edge/Special Working Cases:

  1. Ensure the dashboard is accessible across various devices and platforms to accommodate the needs of users working remotely or in the field.

Error Cases:

  1. The dashboard should handle data integrity issues such as duplicate entries, missing information, or incorrect data formats to ensure accurate reporting.

  2. Analytics dashboard should be accessible to other users apart from admin.

4. Donation Management:

General Working Cases:

  1. The system allows the admin to record details of incoming donations, including donor information, types of food items donated, quantity, and date/time of donation.

  2. The system shall redirect to the donation entry form upon clicking the send donation request button.

  3. Upon clicking submit button, the donation entry form should be submitted successfully.

Edge/Special Working Cases:

  1. Test navigation with slow internet connection.

  2. Donor shall be able to donate items to the maxium available limit.

Error Cases:

  1. Donor shall not be able to submit the donation entry form without filling required fields.

  2. Donor shall not be able to submit the donation entry form with incorrect details.

5. Communication Management:

General Working Cases:

  1. Upon successful login, users shall be able to redirect to chat section in their homepage.

  2. Users shall be able to send and receive messages to admin through chat section.

Edge/Special Working Cases:

  1. Users shall be able to

Error Cases:

  1. Users shall not be able to chat with other users apart from admin.

  2. Users shall not be able to call the admin via chat section.

6. Update user information :

General Working Cases:

  1. Users shall be redirected to the update profile page upon clicking on the udpate information button.

  2. Users shall be able to update information for updation.

  3. Upon updation, users should be able to submit the form successfully.

Edge/Special Working Cases:

  1. Users should be able to add new information on their profile to replace the existing details.

Error Cases:

  1. Users should not be able to update the same information in the profile again.

  2. Users should not be able to update information under other user's profile.