Developer Documentation - GDP-Team01/GDPProject_Team01 GitHub Wiki


Below mentioned are the tools and services used to develop Food Bank Management System web Application:

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Firebase
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • Java

Directions to set up a development environment

Below mentioned are the steps to setup a development environment:

  1. Install Flutter SDK: we Begin by downloading the Flutter SDK from the official website. Extract the downloaded file and place the flutter folder in a location where we want to store the SDK.
  2. Set Up Flutter Environment Variables: Add the Flutter bin directory to our system's PATH variable. This ensures that we can run Flutter commands from terminal window.
  3. Install Dart SDK: Flutter comes bundled with the Dart SDK.
  4. Install IDE: we have chosen an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for coding as Android Studio.
  5. Flutter : Open a terminal and run the command flutter.
  6. Create a New Flutter Project: Use the command "flutter create", to create a new a project called food bank management system.
  7. Run Your App: Connect the device and start the emulator/simulator. Run the command flutter run in the project directory.
  8. Start Coding: Open Android studio and start coding with Flutter app using Dart programming language.
  9. Explore Documentation and Resources for queries or help.

Directions to run the code for testing

  1. Setup Environment: Dart SDK is installed on our system.

  2. Install Dependencies: install Dependencies for Dart.

  3. Clone or Download the Code: the code for the Food Bank Management System written in Dart. we can clone the repository from a version control system like GitHub, or download the code as a ZIP file and extract it to our local machine

  4. Configure Database:

    Initialize Firebase in Dart application. Typically, this involves calling Firebase.initializeApp() in main Dart file.


    import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';

    void main() async {
    await Firebase.initializeApp();
  5. Environment Variables: Check the required code for any environment variables to be set, such as database connection strings, API keys, or other configurations. Set these variables either in our system environment or in a configuration file provided with the code.

  6. Run the Application

    dart <main_file.dart>

  7. Test the Functionality

  • Test various functionalities of the Food Bank Management System, such as adding, updating, or deleting food items, managing inventory, user authentication, etc.
  • Verify that data is being properly stored and retrieved from Firebase Firestore.
  1. Debugging and Troubleshooting:
  • If we encounter any issues, use Firebase Console to monitor database operations and debug any errors that arise.
  • Refer to Dart and Firebase documentation, as well as community forums, for troubleshooting assistance.