Deployment Documentation - GDP-Team01/GDPProject_Team01 GitHub Wiki

Deployment Documentation

Deploying our code to production involves several steps and requirements to ensure a smooth transition from development to a live environment. Here's a breakdown of the requirements and steps:

Requirements for Deploying Code:

1. Setting up a Firebase Account and Project:

  • Developers need to sign up for a Firebase account if they haven't already and create a new project from the Firebase Console.

  • They should configure the project settings according to the requirements of the wholesale system, including enabling necessary Firebase services such as Firebase Authentication, Firebase Realtime Database, and Firebase Cloud Messaging.

2.Configuring the Android Development Environment:

  • Install Android Studio, the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development.

  • Ensure that the Flutter SDK (Software Development Kit) is installed and updated to the latest version.

  • Set up the Android Virtual Device (AVD) manager for testing apps on virtual devices.

3.Integrating the Firebase SDK into the Android Project:

  • Add the Firebase SDK dependencies to the project's build.gradle files.

  • Download the google-services.json configuration file from the Firebase Console and add it to the app module directory of the Android project.

  • Initialize Firebase services in the app by calling FirebaseApp.initializeApp() in the Application class or the main activity's onCreate() method.

4.Ensuring Codebase Stability and Testing:

  • Conduct thorough testing of the app's functionality, including unit tests, integration tests, and user interface (UI) tests.

  • Debug Configure Firebase Security Rules to control access to Firebase resources, including read and write permissions for the Realtime Database and Cloud Storage.

5.Network Configuration:

  • Implement network permissions within the Android app's manifest file to ensure secure communication with Firebase services, such as internet and network state permissions any issues and optimize the codebase for performance to ensure smooth operation on various Android devices.

  • Perform security testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities such as insecure data storage or inadequate authentication mechanisms.

6.Scalability Considerations:

  • Analyze the scalability requirements of the wholesale system, considering factors such as potential user growth and increased data volume.

  • Choose appropriate Firebase pricing plans that align with the scalability needs of the project.

  • Implement strategies for optimizing database performance and managing user load, such as data sharing or caching mechanisms.

  • Steps to Deploy Your Code to Production:

1. Build SDK:

  • Creating an SDK for Dart with Flutter entails producing a distributable package of the Dart application signed with a shareable passkey. This guarantees the authenticity of the SDK and enables installation on users' devices.

  • To set up shareable keys, users must create a one-time passkey file containing the private key for configuring the SDK. This passkey file should be stored securely and safeguarded with a robust password.

  • Build variants for release allow developers to customize the SDK for different purposes, such as differentiating between debug and release builds or creating variants for specific device configurations.

2. Firebase Project Setup:

  • Configuring the Firebase project for production involves ensuring that all necessary Firebase services are enabled and configured correctly.

  • Authentication methods need to be set up to securely authenticate users, including options such as email/password authentication, social media authentication (e.g., Google Sign-In), and custom authentication methods.

  • Database rules should be defined to control access to Firebase Realtime Database or Firestore. This ensures that only authorized users can read or modify data according to specified rules.

  • Storage and hosting configurations need to be adjusted for production use, including setting up security rules for Cloud Storage and configuring custom domains for Firebase Hosting if applicable.

3. Testing in Staging Environment:

  • Deploying the application to a staging environment allows developers to conduct comprehensive testing before deploying to the production environment.

  • Flutter provides testing functionalities like Flutter-Test, enabling automated testing on both physical and virtual devices to detect errors, performance testing, and compatibility challenges.

  • Testing in a staging environment ensures that the application operates correctly and any problems are resolved before being released to end users in the production environment.

4. Deployment to Production:

  • After adding the files into your github, go to the "Actions" tab in your GitHub repository and set up a new workflow.

  • Create a YAML file (.github/workflows/deploy.yml) to define the build and deployment steps for your Dart project.

  • Add the workflow file to your project, commit it, and push to GitHub.

  • Ensure the workflow runs automatically on push to the main branch, building and deploying your project.

  • In the repository settings, set the source branch and folder for GitHub Pages.

  • Configure a custom domain in the GitHub Pages settings if needed.

5. Monitoring and Maintenance:

  • Continuous monitoring of the application in the production environment is crucial for identifying and addressing any issues that may arise.

  • Monitoring tools such as Firebase Performance Monitoring and Firebase Crashlytics can help track performance metrics, detect crashes, and monitor user engagement.

  • Regular maintenance involves updating the codebase and Firebase configurations to address security vulnerabilities, optimize performance, and add new features or enhancements.

6. Backup and Disaster Recovery:

  • Implementing backup and disaster recovery mechanisms for the Firebase database helps prevent data loss and ensure business continuity in case of unforeseen events such as server failures or data breaches.

  • Backup strategies may include regular automated backups of the database, redundant data storage across multiple geographic locations, and periodic testing of disaster recovery plans to ensure they are effective in restoring data in case of emergencies.

  • By carefully executing each of these tasks, developers can ensure a smooth deployment process and maintain the stability and reliability of the wholesale system using Android and Firebase in a production environment.