Client Meeting Minutes III - GDP-Team01/GDPProject_Team01 GitHub Wiki

Who was present

Mark chai client


Meeting agenda

Demonstration of project and functionality check

Specific questions asked (and who asked them)

All the question was asked by our client Mark Chai

Realtime tracking of maps for volunteer from admin dashboard.

Insert ,delete and updates of items from inventory by admin

implememtation of testcases using Automation tool

Specific answers given (and who gave them)

yes realtime tracking of maps for volunteer from admin dashboard(Amit)

we have implemented Insert ,delete and updates of items from inventory by admin(Rajesh)

we have implemented testcases using Automation tool(Varshini)

Action items: what have you decided you will show the client in your next meeting

When is the next meeting (no more than two weeks away)

next client meeting is scheduled on 22-05-2024