Client Meeting 1 - GDP-Team01/GDPProject_Team01 GitHub Wiki

Client Meeting - 1 on January 22 2024

1 Who was present?

  - Rahan Ahmed Mohammed (s564168)
  - Amit Harish Doddamani (s562607)
  - Sreeja Vasa (s560715)
  - Varshini Chittepu (s564549)
  - Sahithi Yamasani (S564553)
  - Rajesh Arigela (S564145)
  - Sai Vamshi Krishna Gajji (S563051)

2 Meeting agenda

 - Brief introduction about team and about their roles.
 - Have client representative introduce themselves and their role in the food bank management system.
 - Briefly go over the meeting agenda and objectives.
 - A short discussion about the technologies to be used- Web application.
 - Integration with government tool for verification.
 - Percentage of project to be delivered in this semester.
 - Scheduling about mid and final project presentations.

3 Specific questions asked (and who asked them)

 a) Rahan Ahmed Mohammed 
 - What existing systems or platforms need to be integrated with the new solution?
 - How will the new system streamline recipient registration and eligibility verification?n

 b) Amit Harish Doddamani- 
 - How will the system address privacy and security concerns of recipient data?
 - Who are your typical clients and what are their needs?

 c) Sreeja Vasa - 
 - What are your main objectives for this project?
 - What are your expectations for this meeting?

 d) Varshini Chittepu - 
 - Who are your target customers or audience?
 - What functionalities do you need in the final product or service?

 e) Sahithi Yamasani-
 - What is your timeline for this project?
 - What are your budget constraints?

 f) Rajesh Arigela-
 - What resources are available on your end?
 - Who are the key decision-makers on your team?

 g) Sai Vamshi Krishna Gajji-
 - How will we plan for effective communication and collaboration during development and implementation?
 - What specific needs does this project address?

4 Specific answers given (and who gave them)

 - In this discussion, for the numerous queries asked about the project implementation during the client meeting,
   were answered by Prof. Mark Chai 
   who is our client for this project.
- Questions answered by our client in first meeting were
  - Who are your typical clients and what are their needs?
  - What are your main objectives for this project?
  - What functionalities do you need in the final product or service?
  - What is your timeline for this project?
  - What resources are available on your end?
  - What specific needs does this project address?

5 Action items: what have you decided you will show the client in your next meeting

  - For the next client meeting, we will discuss about detailed problem statement definition.
  - Initial project plan: Outline the scope, key features, timeline, and budget for the project.
  - User personas and needs analysis: Show how we understand the different users 
    (recipients, staff, volunteers) and their specific needs.  

6 When is the next meeting (no more than two weeks away)

  - Next client meeting is scheduled on 02/05/2024