v1.0.6.2 Changelog - Fullerpj/United-States-Air-Force-Mod GitHub Wiki

Get the USAF Mod on the Steam workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2397379807


  • Transition to new workshop author for streamlined development


  • Cargo: Attempted fix for multiplayer
  • GPS: GPS will now defer to other lock types (laser/radar) if locked at launch
  • TGP: Add LST function
  • Service Menu: Fix error on selecting pylon via list menu
  • Service Menu: Fix bays getting stuck closed after exiting menu
  • Service Menu: 3D tooltip now updates on mag change
  • Afterburner: Fix incorrect arm state at init
  • Tail Codes: Serial numbers will no longer be added to blank liveries
  • Tanker Module: Fix error/behavior if pattern set to unchanged
  • Missilebox: Increase AIM-120 max range to 18km
  • Missilebox: AIM-9s should better lock targets below the horizon
  • Missilebox: Add LAU-105 2x AIM-9 variant for A-10C
  • Missilebox: AI should now better employ AA missiles
  • Missilebox: AA missiles decrease immunity to counter measures
  • Missilebox: 2x GBU-12 now uses BRU-57 smart rack
  • Missilebox: Fix AGM-84 sensors
  • Missilebox: Reduce AGM-114 overly bright materials


  • F-35A: Add light variant (Wingtip pylons only)
  • F-35A: Fix bay animation affecting body
  • F-35A: Swap loadouts so 9X is always on wingtips
  • F-35A: Fix heavy and stealth variants having reversed maxSpeed values (heavy should be slower)
  • F-22: Allow GBU-49 to be loaded
  • F-22: Fix weapon LOD positions
  • All: Add ACRE support
  • All: Tweak get in positions and add get in/out animations
  • All: Allow ejection if engine is off
  • All: Fix shadow error on scripted material change
  • All: Update editor previews


  • C-17: Fix LOD issue causing it to disappear beyond a certain range
  • C-17: Reduce collision lights ambience for the sake of NVG users
  • MQ-9: Visual overhaul
  • MQ-9: Add multiple liveries
  • MQ-9: Add tail codes
  • MQ-9: Fix autoland crashing
  • MQ-9: Fix ACFT POS not updating
  • MQ-9: Add XEH compat (all USAF aircraft are now XEH compatible)
  • C-130J: Fix ramp collision with ground lifting and moving it backward
  • C-130J: Fix having one extra cargo seat
  • C-130J: Overhaul suspension (should work on carrier now)
  • RQ-4A: several minor model fixes
  • All: Add ACRE support