Virtual FujiNet Quickstart Guide - FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-firmware GitHub Wiki

The virtual FujiNet is also known as 'FujiNet PC' - not to be confused with the FujiNet device for the PC (i.e. DOS) platform- it's called PC as the FujiNet is emulated and running on your PC - a Windows, Macintosh or Linux "PC."

The best directions for now is the readme in the project itself.

A few notes here though to level set:

  1. The Virtual FN runs via some code and python scripting glue
  2. It currently can only connect to the Altirra Atari Emulator (which is a Windows Application)
  3. You can run Altirra on Mac or Linux via Crossover (commercial part of Wine) or Wine.
  4. Current versions of MacOSX require Crossover (unless you can get it to work).

So, once you have Altirra running you can checkout the fujinet-pc project from GH and then follow the readme. You will have at that point a complete Atari + FujiNet system running in your PC that works and can download Atari apps and use all the functions of the Atari FN port.

Tl;dr - If you are emulating your favorite Atari 8bit emulator on Altirra you can build FujiNet-PC and attach a software-based FujiNet device to your emulated Atari 8bit and enjoy most of all the important FujiNet features without even buying a single thing.

Have fun!