Virtual FujiNet Quickstart Guide - FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-firmware GitHub Wiki

The virtual FujiNet is also known as 'FujiNet PC' - not to be confused with the FujiNet device for the PC (i.e. DOS) platform- it's called PC as the FujiNet is emulated and running on your PC - a Windows, Macintosh or Linux "PC."

The best directions for now is the readme in the project itself.

A few notes here though to level set:

  1. The Virtual FN runs via some code and python scripting glue
  2. It currently can only connect to the Altirra Atari Emulator (which is a Windows Application)
  3. You can run Altirra on Mac or Linux via Wine.

So, once you have Altirra running you can checkout the fujinet-pc project from GH and then follow the readme. You will have at that point a complete Atari + FujiNet system running in your PC that works and can download Atari apps and use all the functions of the Atari FN port.

Tl;dr - If you are emulating your favorite Atari 8bit emulator on Altirra you can build FujiNet-PC and attach a software-based FujiNet device to your emulated Atari 8bit and enjoy most of all the important FujiNet features without even buying a single thing.

Have fun!