Using SAM (Voice Synthesizer) - FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-firmware GitHub Wiki
FujiNet contains a built in S.A.M. speech synthesizer that is available on printer port P4:.
This feature requires the XL/XE OS - it does not run on 400/800/1200 machines unless they have an OS upgrade.
Open a channel to P4:
You can use it by opening a channel to it, e.g. in BASIC:
OPEN #1,8,0,"P4:"
Ask him to say Hello!
By printing text to this channel, just as a printer, SAM will recite the output to your audio speaker.
By default, SAM runs with the following parameters
Setting | value |
Phoneme Mode | OFF |
Sing Mode | OFF |
Speed | 72 |
Pitch | 64 |
Throat | 128 |
Mouth | 128 |
These can be re-called at any time by sending a CTRL-R as part of the print stream, e.g.
Six commands can be sent to SAM at any point during the data stream by entering a control character, and if needed, a parameter. Both the control character and the parameter must be separated by white spaces.
The following set of control characters sets a very alien voice:
Phoneme Mode.
Using CTRL-P in a print stream sets phoneme mode. This allows for much greater control over speech output by not only specifying the specific sounds to use for each utterance, but it also allows you to specify the inflection of each utterance for a greater degree of lifelike speech.
To get back to the default RECITER text to speech mode, use the RESET command (CTRL-R).
A list of phonemes, and common words and their phonemes is provided below.
Sing Mode
Using CTRL-G in a print stream turns on sing mode, which alters the transitions between phonemes and removes some of them, to give the illusion of singing. It is best to experiment with this mode in various combinations of phonetic mode to understand what is possible. By default, sing mode is OFF.
Speed (1-256)
Using CTRL-S in a print stream sets the speed of successive utterances. Larger values mean slower speech.
Value | Description |
0-20 | impractical |
20-40 | very fast |
40-60 | fast |
60-70 | fast conversational |
70-75 | normal conversational |
75-90 | narrative |
90-100 | slow |
100-225 | very slow |
SAM's default value is 72.
Pitch (1-256)
Using CTRL-I in a print stream sets the overall pitch of successive utterances. Larger values mean a lower overall pitch.
Value | Description |
00-20 | impractical |
20-30 | very high |
30-40 | high |
40-50 | high normal |
50-70 | normal |
70-80 | low normal |
80-90 | low |
90-255 | very low |
Using CTRL-M in a print stream sets the mouth value, that is, the overall intensity of fricative and plosive transitions in each utterance. Higher values increase this intensity.
Using CTRL-T in a print stream sets the throat value, that is, the overall intensity of formants between transitions, most notably heard in vowel sounds, Higher values increase this intensity.
Elf | 72 | 64 | 110 | 160 |
Little Robot | 92 | 60 | 190 | 190 |
Stuffy Guy | 82 | 72 | 110 | 105 |
Little Old Lady | 82 | 32 | 145 | 145 |
Extra-Terrestrial | 100 | 64 | 150 | 200 |
SAM | 72 | 64 | 128 | 128 |
More About Phoneme Mode
S.A.M. is equipped with a version of the easy-to-learn, very readable International Phonetic Alphabet. There are about fifty phonemes which will let you spell all the words in English. Some sounds from foreign languages are not available in the system at this time.
Why use the phonetic system? There are two compelling reasons. 1.) In the phonetic system, all the words will be pronounced correctly; and 2.) You can put inflection into the speech however and wherever you want it.
If you have already tried the RECITER text-to-speech program, you know that it does a fair job of pronouncing English words. However, it does make mistakes. Some words sound a little strange and others are difficult to understand. The reasons for this are not hard to understand. English is a language of exceptions rather than rules; words that are spelled alike are pronounced differently ("have" vs. "gave"). A rule system like RECITER cannot pronounce all words correctly unless it stores an enormous dictionary that takes up vast amounts of memory. But the second flaw in text-to-speech conversion is more serious. Such a rule system cannot decide where the stress belongs in what is being said. The phonetic system in S.A.M., on the other hand, allows you to decide where to accent syllables within a word and where to stress words within a sentence.
So it is clear that the preferred way to make S.A.M. speak is with the phonetic alphabet. But how hard is it to use? It's really easier than writing in English because you don't have to know how to spell! You only have to know how to say the word in order to spell it phonetically.
Here is the complete list of phonemes, each presented with a sample word containing its sound. Note that there are many vowels, which is why they are all indicated by two letters rather than one.
The phonemes are classified into two categories: vowels and consonants. Among the vowels are the simple vowel sounds such as the "i" in "sit", the "o" in "slot", and the "a" in "hat". These vowels do not change their quality throughout their duration. There are also vowels called diphthongs such as the "i" in "site", the "o" in "slow", and the "a" in "hate", as well as the "oi" in "oil" and the "ow" in "how". These vowels start with one sound and end with another (e.g. "oi" glides from an "oh" sound to an "ee" sound).
The consonants are also divided into two groups: voiced and unvoiced. The voiced consonants require you to use your vocal chords to produce the sound. Such sounds as "b". "I", "n", and "z" sounds fall into this category. The unvoiced consonants, on the other hand, are produced entirely by rushing air and include such sounds as the "p", "t", "h", and "sh" sounds.
Phonetic Alphabet
PHONEME | Example |
IY | feet |
IH | pin |
EH | beg |
AE | Sam |
AA | pot |
AH | budget |
AO | talk |
OH | cone |
UH | book |
UX | loot |
ER | bird |
AX | gallon |
IX | digit |
PHONEME | Example |
EY | made |
AY | high |
OY | boy |
AW | how |
OW | slow |
UW | crew |
Voiced Consonants
PHONEME | Example |
R | red |
L | allow |
W | away |
WH | whale |
Y | you |
M | Sam |
N | man |
NX | song |
B | bad |
D | dog |
G | again |
J | judge |
Z | zoo |
ZH | pleasure |
V | seven |
DH | then |
Unvoiced Consonants
PHONEME | Example |
S | Sam |
SH | fish |
F | fish |
TH | thin |
P | poke |
T | talk |
K | cake |
CH | speech |
/H | ahead |
Special Phonemes
PHONEME | Example |
UL | settle (= AXL) |
UM | astronomy (= AXM) |
UN | function (= ASN) |
Q | kitt-en (glottal stop) |
NOTE: The symbol for the 'H' sound is /H. A glottal stop is a forced stoppage of sound.
On the phoneme chart, you will notice six phonemes -- YX, WX, RX, LX, /X, and DX -- which are described as being used by S.A.M.'s rule system. However, they have been provided with letter codes so that you may experiment with these special sounds directly. YX and WX are weaker versions of Y and W. RX and LX are smooth gliding versions of R and L. /X is the "h" sound in "who", and DX is the quick flap of the tongue on the upper palate as in the word "pity".
We are now ready to transcribe ordinary speech into its phonetic representation. Let's use the following sentence as an example:
I do my calculations on the computer.
The first step is to say each word aloud and decide how many syllables are in the word. a syllable has one vowel phoneme and its associated consonants (if any). We then identify the proper vowel phoneme by comparing its sound to lhe sounds listed in the table, and do the same for the consonants. The resultant combination of phonemes is the phonetic representation of the syllable. We do this for each syllable in a word.
In our example. the first word -- "I" -- is a single phoneme, the diphthong "AY". The next word -- "do" -- is a single syllable comprised of the diphthong "UW" preceded by the voiced consonant "D". The phonetic spelling is therefore "DUW". Similarly. the third word -- "my" -- again uses the "AY" sound, this time preceded by an "M", resulting in "MAY".
The word "calculations" has four syllables. The first syllable transcribes as "KAEL". The "c" sound is pronounced as "k". unlike the "s" pronunciation in a word like "cell" (notice there is no "C" in the phoneme table). The next syllable -- "cu" -- transcribes as "KYUW". Note here that the "Y" sound prevents this syllable from being pronounced as "coo". The third syllable comes out as "LEY", and the fourth becomes "SHAXNZ". This word ends with a voiced sound "7" and notthe hissy"S" sound as in "list". You will rapidly discover that many words contain the phonetic combinations "AXL". "AXM". and "AXN". To enhance the readability of the phonetic spelling, the special symbols "UL". "UM", and "UN" can be substituted for these combinations. The "tions" syllable is now written as "SHUNZ". So, "calculations" becomes "KAELKYUWLEYSHUNZ".
The next word "on" becomes "AAN", and "the" becomes "DHAX". By the way. if the word "the" precedes a word beginning with a vowel, it gets pronounced "thee" and is spelled "DHIY". You should also notice that the "th" letter combination has two phonetic representations: unvoiced (TH) as in "thin", or voiced (DH) as in "the".
By now. the steps used in getting from "computer" to "KUMPYUWTER" should already be obvious. Try it.
Once you get used to the phonetic system, it will seem very easy and obvious. Initially, there will be some spellings that seem tricky (did you know that "adventure" has a "CH" in it?). However,the rule is always to write the word the way you say it, not the way you spell it.
To help you learn the system fast, we have provided an English-to-phonetic spelling dictionary of almost 1500 words. Many common words are in the dictionary; some unusual ones are in it as well. If you are really stuck on how to spell a word that isn't in the dictionary, think of another word that sounds like it and that one may be listed.
In any case, don't hesitate to experiment with the phonetic spelling system. Let your ears be your guide. This system is easy to learn, easy to use, easy to read, and you will be amazed at what you can do with it.
In the phonetic mode, S.A.M. is capable of speaking with a great deal of inflection and emphasis. This gives a much more natural and understandable quality to the speech than is otherwise possible.
The stress system for S.A.M. is particularly easy to use. There are eight stress markers that can be used simply by inserting a number (1-8) after the vowel to be stressed. For example. the monotonic pronunciation of the word "hello" produced by the phonetic spelling "/HEHLOW" becomes a much friendlier sounding greeting when spelled "/HEH3LOW".
Why do you have to put in the stress markers? Simply because they can go anywhere and S.A.M. has no way of knowing where you want them to go. The following simple example will demonstrate this point to you. Use the SAYIT program on your S.A.M. disk to hear the following sample phrases.
We will have S.A.M. say
"Why should I walk to the store?"
in a number of different ways.
- WAY2 SHUH7D AY WAO5K TUX DHAH STOH5R. (You want a reason to do it.)
- WAY7 SHUH2D AY WAO7K TUX DHAH STOH5R. (You are reluctant to go.)
- WAY5 SHUH7D AY2 WAO7K TUX DHAH STOHR. (You want someone else to do it.)
- WAY5 SHUHD AY7 WAO2K TUX7 DHAH STOHR. (You'd rather drive.)
- WAY5 SHUHD AY WAO5K TUX DHAH STOH2OH7R. (You want to walk somewhere else.)
Each of these stress examples has a slightly different meaning, even though the words are all the same. Stress markers give you the ability to let S.A.M. be expressive.
What do the stress markers do? The number you type tells raise (or lower) his pitch and elongate the associated vowel sound.
The number system works like this: 1 = very emotional stress 2 = very emphatic stress 3 = rather strong stress 4 = ordinary stress 5 = light stress 6 = neutral (no pitch change) stress 7 = pitch-dropping stress 8 = extreme pitch-dropping stress
When should you use each of these? It all depends on how you want S.A.M. to sound. Say the words to yourself as expressively as you can and see where your voice rises and falls. Remember, the smaller the number, the more extreme the emphasis will be. Also, the stress markers will help get difficult words pronounced correctly. If some syllable is not enunciated sufficiently, put in a neutral stress marker.
A general rule is that the most important word or words in a sentence get the most stress and the rest of the words get little or no stress. However, words of more than one syllable should have stress marked on their accented syllables (most dictionaries show which these are if you are uncertain).
We will now assign stresses to our first example sentence about doing calculations on the computer. The first word "AY" is usually an important word (can you think of anyone more important?). We will write it as "AY4", assigning ordinary stress. "DUW", the only verb, is also important. We'll try "DUW4". "MAY" isn't very strong (unless you want to draw attention to it) and it is a single syllable. so we will leave it alone. "KAELKYUWLEYSHUNZ" is polysyllabic so we must identify the accented syllables. It is also the most important word in the sentence so it will have the strongest stress. "LEY" has the primary stress and "KAEL" receives the secondary stress. so we will write "KAE4LKYUWLEY3SHUNZ". "AAN" and "DHAX" are short, unstressed words. "KUMPYUWTER" has a single accent on "PYUW" and gets written "KUMPYUW4TER". So. our original sentence gets written
How about really unusual stress? When you place extraordinary emphasis on a word, you do so by elongating its vowel sounds. S.A.M. can do the same thing. For example, a call for help can become "/HEH5EH4EH3EH2EH2EH3EH4EH5EHLP." You can always do this with the ordinary vowel sounds, but be careful with the diphthongs. They are complex sounds and if you repeat them, they will not do what you want (e.g. "OYOYOYOYOYOY" sounds just like it reads in English). To extend the diphthong sounds, you need to break them into component parts. So "OY" can be extended with "OHOHIYIYIY", and "AY" can be extended with "AAAAIYIYIY". You should experiment to find out just what you can do.
Unlike many other speech synthesis systems, S.A.M. allows you to control consonant stresses directly. This is usually done to produce a special tonal pattern in a word. Sometimes you might want a pitch rise on the final phoneme occurring just before a comma. For example, try typing: "AY4 YUWZ SAE5M3, AE4ND RIYSAY4TER." Notice how the pitch rises on the "M". It is never necessary to specify stress for a consonant occurring immediately before a stressed vowel. This is handled automatically.
Try to become familiar with the stress marker system. It makes all the difference between an ordinary speech synthesizer and the very expressive S.A.M.
The effects of punctuation
S.A.M. understands four punctuation marks. They are the hyphen, comma, period, and question mark.
The hyphen (-) serves to mark clause boundaries by inserting a short pause in the speech. It also has other uses to be discussed later. The comma marks phrase boundaries and inserts a pause approximately double that of the hyphen. The question-mark and period mark the end of sentences, The period inserts a pause and also causes the pitch to fall. The question-mark also inserts a pause, but it causes the pitch to rise. Notice that not all questions should end with a question mark (rising pitch), only those that require a yes-or-no answer. ("Are we hiking today?" rises; "Why are we going to the woods?" falls at the end and should be marked with a period).
Final notes on Phonetic Input
S.A.M. is capable of speaking only 2.5 seconds of speech without a break (this is the size of his "breath"). If the string to be spoken exceeds this, S.A.M. will insert short breaks every 2.5 seconds. S.A.M. always breaks at punctuation marks in anticipation of the following phrase. So, if you don't like where S.A.M. broke up a phrase, you can specify your own breaks with hypens. An example of this is: "I use the telephone - to call out of town".
S.A.M. uses the spaces between words to makes his sentence-breaking decisions. If a single word requires more than 2.5 seconds to say, S.A.M. will not be able to insert his own breaks and will therefore be unable to say the word.
In summary, the procedures outlined above may seem complex, but this is because they were presented in fine detail. In reality, the steps become automatic and you will soon be able to type in phonetics almost as fast as you can type English text.
Dictionary of words and their equivalent phonemes
- A -
Word | Phoneme |
abandon | AHBAE4NDUN |
ability | AHBIH4LIXTIY |
able | EY4BUL |
abort | AHBOH4RT |
about | AHBAW4T |
above | AHBAH4V |
absolute | AE5BSOHLUW4T |
abuse | AHBYUW4S |
accelerate | EHKSEH4LEREYT |
accent | AE4KSEHNT |
accept | AEKSEH4PT |
access | AE4KSEHS |
accident | AE4KSIXDEHNT |
account | AHKAW4NT |
acknowledge | EHKNA4LIHJ |
action | AE4KSHUN |
active | AE4KTIHV |
address | AE4DREHS |
adjust | AHJAH4ST |
adult | AHDAH4LT |
advance | EHDVAE4NS |
adventure | AEDVEH4NCHER |
affair | AHFEY4R |
afford | AHFOH4RD |
after | AE4FTER |
age | EY4J |
agree | AHGRIY4 |
air | EH4R |
airplane | EH4RPLEYN |
alarm | AHLAA4RM |
algebra | AE4LJAXBRAH |
alien | EY4LIYIXN |
allow | AHLAW4 |
alone | AHLOW4N |
along | AHLAO4NX |
alphabet | AE4LFAXBEHT |
alternate | AO4LTERNIXT |
America | AHMEH4RIXKAH |
among | AHMAH4NX |
analysis | AHNAE4LIXSIXS |
and | AE4ND |
anger | AE4NXGER |
announce | AHNAW4NS |
answer | AE4NSER |
antenna | AENTEH4NAH |
anticipate | AENTIH4SIXPEYT |
apology | AHPAA4LAXJIY |
appear | AHPIY4R |
apple | AE4PUL |
appropriate | AHPROH4PRIYIXT |
approve | AHPRUW4V |
area | EH4RIYAH |
arm | AA4RM |
arrive | AHRAY4V |
ask | AE4SK |
assumption | AHSAH4MPSHUN |
astronomy | AHSTRAA4NUMIY |
Atari | AHTAA4RIY |
atom | AE4TUM |
attack | AHTAE4K |
audio | AO4DIYOW |
authority | AHTHOH4RIXTIY |
automatic | AO5TUMAE4TIXK |
auxiliary | AOKZIH4LYERIY |
available | AHVEH4LAXBUL |
- B -
Word | Phoneme |
baby | BEY4BIY |
back | BAE4K |
bad | BAE4D |
balance | BAE4LIXNS |
bank | BAE4NXK |
bargain | BAA4RGUN |
base | BEY4S |
basic | BEY4SIHK |
battle | BAE4TUL |
beam | BIY4M |
beautiful | BYUW4TIXFUHL |
behave | BIY/HEY4V |
belief | BIXLIY4F |
beneficial | BEH4NAXFIH4SHUL |
betray | BIYTREY4 |
better | BEH4TER |
bible | BAY4BUL |
bibliography | BIH5BLIYAA4GRAXFIY |
bicycle | BAY4SIXKUL |
billion | BIH4LYUN |
binary | BAY4NEHRIY |
bite | BAY4T |
black | BAE4K |
blast | BLAE4ST |
block | BLAA4K |
blood | BLAH4D |
board | BOH4RD |
bomb | BAA4M |
book | BUH4K |
boot | BUW4T |
boss | BAO4S |
bottle | BAA4TUL |
bottom | BAA4TUM |
box | BAA4KS |
boy | BOY4 |
brain | BREY4N |
branch | BRAE4NCH |
break | BREY4K |
brief | BRIY4F |
bring | BRIH4NX |
broken | BROW4KIXN |
brother | BRAH4DHER |
budget | BAH4JIXT |
buffer | BAH4FER |
bug | BAH4G |
bureau | BYER4OW |
burglar | BER4GULER |
bus | BAH4S |
business | BIH4ZNIXS |
busy | BIH4ZIY |
by | BAY4 |
byfe | BAY4T |
- C -
Word | Phoneme |
cabinet | KAE4BUNIXT |
cable KEY4BUL | |
calculate | KAE4LKYAXLEYT |
calendar | KAE4LUNDER |
call | KAO4L |
calorie | KAE4LERIY |
cancel | KAE4NSUL |
candy | KAE4NDIY |
cant | KAE4NT |
capacity | KAXPAE4SIXTIY |
captain | KAE4PTIXN |
capture | KAE4PCHER |
card | KAA4RD |
careful | KEH4RFUHL |
carry | KEH4RIY |
cartridge | KAA4RTRIXJ |
case | KEY4S |
cashier | KAE4SHIY4R |
cassette | KAXSEH4T |
catalog | KAE4TULAOG |
celebrate | SEH4LAXBREYT |
celestial | SULEH4SCHIYUL |
Celsius | SEH4LSIYAXS |
center | SEH4NTER |
certain | SER4TQN |
challenge | CHAE4LIXNJ |
change | CHEY4NJ |
channel | CHAE4NUL |
chapter | CHAE4PTER |
charge | CHAA4RJ |
chauvenism | SHOH4VIXNIHZUM |
Cheese | CHIY4Z |
child | CHAY4LD |
children | CHIH4LDRIXN |
chocolate | CHAO4KLIXT |
choreography | KOH5RIYAA4GRAXFIY |
Christmas | KRIH4SMAXS |
church | CHER4CH |
cinema | SIH4NUMAH |
circle | SER4KUL |
circuit | SER4KIXT |
circumstance | SER4KUMSTAENS |
citizen | SIH4TIXSUN |
city | SIH4TIY |
classify | KLAE4SIXFAY |
clear | KLIY4R |
close | KLOW4Z |
coaxial | KOHAE4KSIYUL |
coffee | KAO4FIY |
coherent | KOW/HEH4RIXNT |
cold | KOW4LD |
college | KAA4LIXJ |
color | KAH4LER |
comfortable | KAH4MFTERBUL |
command | KUMAE4ND |
common | KAA4MUN |
company | KAHM4PUNIY |
complain | KUMPLEY4N |
complex | KUMPLEH4KS |
component | KAHMPOH4NUNT |
computer | KUMPYUW4TER |
condition | KUNDIH4SHUN |
conscience | KAA4NSHUNTS |
console | KAA4NSOHL |
control | KUNTROH4L |
conversation | KAA5NVERSEY4SHUN |
coordinate | KOHWOH4DUNIXT |
corporation | KOH5RPEREY4SHUN |
correction | KOHREH4KSHUN |
count | KAW4NT |
country | KAH4NTRIY |
cousin | KAH4ZIXN |
create | KRIYEY4T |
critical | KRIH4TIXKUL |
culture | KAH4LCHER |
curious | KYUH4RIYAXS |
- D -
Word | Phoneme |
danger | DEY4NJER |
data | DEY4TAH |
decay | DIXKEY4 |
decibel | DEH4SIXBUL |
decrease | DIYKRIY4S |
definition | DEH5FUNIH4SHUN |
degree | DIXGRIY4 |
delay | DIXLEY4 |
demonstrate | DEH4MUNSTREYT |
department | DIYPAA4RTMIXNT |
desire | DIXZAY4ER |
develop | DIXVEH4LAHP |
dictionary | DIH4KSHUNEHRIY |
different | DIH4FRIXNT |
discount | DIH4SKAWNT |
distance | DIH4STIXNS |
distribution | DIH5STRAXBYUW4SHUN |
division | DIXVIH4ZHUN |
doctor | DAA4KTER |
double | DAH4BUL |
down | DAW4N |
drive | DRAY4V |
dungeon | DAH4NJUN |
- E -
Word | Phoneme |
earth | ER4TH |
easy | IY4ZIY |
economics | IY5KUNAA4MIXKS |
education | EH5JUWKEY4SHUN |
either | IY4DHER |
eject | IXJEH4KT |
electricity | ULEHKTRIH4SIXTIY |
electronic | ULEHKTRAA4NIXK |
elementary | EH4LUMEH4NTRIY |
emphasis | EH4MFAXSIHS |
encyclopedia | EHNSAY5KLAXPIY4DIYAH |
energy | EH4NERJIY |
engineering | EH5NJUNIY4RIHNX |
enter | EH4NTER |
enunciate | IYNAH4NSIYEYT |
equal | IY4KWUL |
erase | IXREY4S |
error | EH4ROHR |
escape | EHSKEY4P |
estimate | EH4STUMIXT |
Europe | YUH4RAXP |
evil | IY4VUL |
exciting | EHKSAY4TIHNX |
explain | EHKSPLEY4N |
expression | EHKSPREH4SHUN |
extra | EH4KSTRAH |
- F -
Word | Phoneme |
face | FEY4S |
fail | FEY4L |
Fahrenheit | FEH4RIXN/HAYT |
false | FAO4LS |
family | FAE4MULIY |
fast | FAE4ST |
fatal | FEY4TUL |
father | FAA4DHER |
fault | FAO4LT |
female | FIY4MEYL |
fight | FAY4T |
figure | FIH4GYER |
file | FAY4L |
filter | FIH4LTER6 |
finance | FAY4NAENS |
find | FAY4ND |
finger | FIH4NXGER |
finish | FIH4NIXSH |
fire | FAY4ER |
first | FER4ST |
flavor | FLEY4VER |
flight | FLAY4T |
flow chart | FLOW4CHAART |
flower | FLAW4ER |
fluorescent | FLUHREH4SIXNT |
focus | FOW4KAXS |
follow | FAA4LOW |
foot | FUH5T |
force | FOH4RS |
formula | FOH4RMYUXLAH |
forward | FOH4RWERD |
fraction | FRAE4KSHUN |
fragile | FRAE4JUL |
freedom | FRIY4DUM |
frequency | FRIY4KWUNSIY |
from | FRAH4M |
fuel | FYUW4L |
full | FUH4L |
function | FAH4NXKSHUN |
fundamental | FAH5NDUMEH4NTUL |
fuse | FYUW4Z |
fusion | FYUWSZHUN |
future | FYUW4CHER |
- G -
Word | Phoneme |
gain | GEY4N |
galaxy | GAE4LAXKSIY |
game | GEY4M |
garbage | GAA4RBIXJ |
gasoline | GAE4SULIYN |
gate | GEY4T |
general | JEH4NERUL |
generate | JEH4NEREYT |
genius | JIY4NYAXS |
gentle | JEH4NTUL |
genuine | JEH4NUYXIXN |
geometry | JIYAA4MIXTRIY |
get | GEH4T |
giant | JAY4IXNT |
gift | GIH4FT |
glass | GLAE4S |
gnome | NOW4M |
go | GOW4 |
gold | GOH4LD |
good | GUH4D |
gourmet | GUHRMEY4 |
government | GAH4VERNMEHNT |
grand | GRAE4ND |
graphic | GRAE4FIXK |
gravity | GRAE4VIXTIY |
ground | GRAW4ND |
guarantee | GAE4RIXNTIY4 |
guide | GAY4D |
gun | GAH4N |
gyroscope | JAY4RAXSKOWP |
- H -
Word | Phoneme |
habit | /HAE4BIXT |
hacker | /HAE4KER |
hair | /HEH4R |
half | /HAE4F |
hallucination | /HULUW4SIXNEY5SHUN |
hand | /HAE4ND |
happy | /HAE4PIY |
hardware | /HAA4RDWEHR |
harmony | /HAA4RMUNIY |
have | /HAE4V |
head | /HEH4D |
heart | /HAA4RT |
helicopter | /HEH4LIXKAAPTER |
hello | /HEH4LOW |
here | /HIY4R |
hero | /HIY4ROW |
herta | /HER4TS |
hesitate | /HEH4ZIXTEY6T |
hexadecimal | !HEH5KSIXDEH4SUMUL |
high | /HAY4 |
history | /HIH4STERIY |
hobby | /HAA4BIY |
hold | /HOW4LD |
home | /HOW4M |
honest | AA4NIXST |
horoscope | /HOH4RAXSKOWP |
hospital | /HAA4SPIXTUL |
hour | AW4ER |
house | /HAW4S |
however | /HAWEH4VER |
huge /HYUW4J | |
human | /HYUW4MUN |
humor | /HUYW4MER |
husband | /HAH4ZBUND |
hyper | /HAY4PER |
hypothesis | /HAYPAA4THAXSIHS |
- I -
Word | Phoneme |
I | AY4 |
ice | AY4S |
idea | AYDIY4AX |
identical | AYDEH4NTIXKUL |
identity | AYDEH4N11XTIY |
illusion | IHLUX4ZHUN |
image | IH4MIXJ |
imagination | IHMAE4JIXNEY5SHUN |
immobilize | IXMOH4BULAYZ |
important | IHMPOH4RTUNT |
in | IH4N |
inch | IHN4CH |
included | IHNKLUX4DIXD |
income | IH4NKUM |
inconvenient | IHN5KUNVIY4NYUNT |
increase | IHNKRIY4S |
indeed | IHNDIY4D |
index | IH4NDEHKS |
indicate | IH4NDIXKEYT |
indirect | IH5NDEREH4KT |
individual | IH5NDIXVIH4JUWUL |
industry | IH4NDAHSTRIY |
inferior | IHNFIH4RIYER |
inflation | IHNFLEY4SHUN |
influence | IH4NFLUWIXNS |
information | IH5NFERMEY4SHUN |
-ing | IHNX |
inject | IHNJEH4KT |
injure | IH4NJER |
initial | IXNIH4SHUL |
inside | IHNSAY4D |
inspect | IHNSPEH4KT |
insulator | IH4NSULEYTER |
integer | IH4NTIXJER |
intelligent | IHNTEH4LIXJIXNT |
interest | IH4NTREHST |
interference | IH4NTERFIY4RIXNS |
intermittent | IH4NTERMIH4TNNT |
invader | IHNVEY4DER |
invent | IHNVEH4NT |
inverse | IH4NVERS |
involve | IHNVAA4LV |
iron | AY4ERN |
irrational | IHRAE4SHUNUL |
isolate | AY4SULEYT |
issue | IH4SHUW |
item | AY4TUM |
- J -
Word | Phoneme |
jacket | JAE4KIXT |
jam | JAE4M |
jargon | JAA4RGUN |
jazz | JAE4Z |
jiffy | JIH4FIY |
job | JAA4B |
join | JOY4N |
joke | JOW4K |
judge | JAH4J |
jump | JAH4MP |
junction | JAH4NXKSHUN |
junior | JUW4NYER |
just | JAH4ST |
jail | JEY4L |
jewelry | JUW4LRIY |
journey | JER4NIY |
jungle JAH4NXGUL | |
junk | JAH4NXK |
- K -
Word | Phoneme |
keep | KIY4P |
key | KIY4 |
keyboard | KIY4BOHRD |
kilobyte | KIH4LAXBAYT |
kind | KAY4ND |
kingdom | KIH4NXGDUM |
knight | NAY4T |
knowledge | NAA4LIXJ |
- L -
Word | Phoneme |
label | LEY4BUL |
lady | LEY4DIY |
language | LAE4NXGWIXJ |
large | LAA4RJ |
laser | LEY4ZER |
last | LAE4ST |
late | LEY4T |
laugh | LAE4F |
launch | LAO4NCH |
law | LAO4 |
layer | LEY4ER |
lead | LIY4D |
lease | LIY4S |
lecture | LEH4KCHER |
left | LEH4FT |
legal | LIY4GUL |
legend | LEH4JIXND |
leisure | LIY4ZHER |
length | LEH4NTH |
letter | LEH4TER |
level | LEH4VUL |
liberal | LIH4BERUL |
life | LAY4F |
lift | LIH4FT |
light | LAY4T |
like | LAY4K |
limit | LIH4MIXT |
linear | LIH4NIYER |
liquid | LIH4KWIXD |
list | LIH4ST |
listen | LIH4SIXN |
literature | LIH4TERIXCHER |
little | LIH4TU |
load | LOW4D |
local | LOW4KUL |
location | LOWKEY4SHUN |
lock | LAA4K |
logarithm | LAO4GERIH5DHUM |
logical | LAA4JIHKUL |
long | LAO4NX |
look | LUH4K |
loop | LUW4P |
lose | LOW4Z |
love | LAH4V |
low | LOW4 |
loyal | LOY4UL |
luminescence | LUW4MIXNEH5SIXNS |
lunatic | LUW4NAXTIH6K |
luxury | LAH4GZHERIY |
- M -
Word | Phoneme |
machine | MAXSHIY4N |
madam | MAE4DUM |
made | MEY4D |
magazine | MAEGAXZIY4N |
magic | MAE4JIHK |
magnet | MAE4GNIXT |
magnitude | MAE4GNIHTUX5D |
MEY4L | |
main | MEY4N |
major | MEY4JER |
make | MEY4K |
malfunction | MAE5LFAH4NXKSHUN |
man | MAE4N |
manager | MAE4NIXJER |
maneuver | MUNUW4VER |
manipulate | MUNIH4PYUHLEYT |
manual | MAE4NYUWUL |
manufacture | MAE5NUYXFAE4KCHER |
many | MEH4NIY |
marginal | MAA4RJIXNUL |
market | MM4RKIXT |
marriage | MEH4RIXJ |
mass | MAE4S |
master | MAE4STER |
mate | MEY4T |
material | MAXTIH4RIYUL |
mathematics | MAE4THUMAE5TIXKS |
mature | MAXCHUX4R |
maximum | MAE4KSIXMUM |
may | MEY4 |
meaning | MUY4NIHNX |
measure | MEH4ZHER |
mechanical | MIXKAE4NIHKUL |
mechanism | MEH4KUNIHZUM |
media | MIY4DIYAH |
medical | MEH4DIXKUL |
medium | MIY4DIYUM |
member | MEH4MBER |
memory | MEH4MERIY |
mental | MEH4NTUL |
menu | MEH4NYUW |
merchandise | MER4CHUNDAY5S |
merge | MER4J |
metal | MEH4TUL |
meter | MIY4TER |
method | MEH4THIXD |
micro | MAY4KROW6 |
middle | MIH4DUL |
might | MAY4T |
mile | MAY4L |
military | MIH4LIXTEH6RIY |
million | MIH4LYUN |
mind | MAY4ND |
mineral | MIH4NERUL |
miniature | MIH4NIYAXCHER |
minimum | MIH4NIXMUM |
minus | MAY4NIXS |
miracle | MIH4RIXKUL |
miscellaneous | MIH5SULEY4NIYAXS |
missile | MIH4SUL |
mister | MIH4STER |
mixture | MIH4KSCHER |
mnemonic | NIXMAA4NIXK |
model | MAA4DUL |
modulation | MAA4JULEY5SHUN |
molecule | MAA4LIXKYUWL |
moment | MOH4MIXNT |
money | MAH4NIY |
monitor | MAA4NIXTER |
monolithic | MAANULIH4THIXK |
monotone | MAA4NAXTOW6N |
month | MAH4NTH |
moon | MUW4N |
morning | MOH4RNIHNX |
most | MOW4ST |
mother | MAH4DHER |
motion | MOW4SHUN |
motor | MOW4TER |
mouth | MAW4TH |
move | MUW4V |
much | MAH4CH |
multiply | MAH4LTIX6PLAY |
murder | MER4DER |
muscle | MAH4SUL |
music | MYUW4ZIXK |
must | MAH4ST |
my | MAY4 |
myself | MAYSEH4LF |
mystery | MIH4STERIY |
- N -
Word | Phoneme |
naive | NAY5IY4V |
name | NEY4M |
narrate | NAE4REYT |
narrow | NAE4ROW |
natural | NAE4CHERUL |
nature | NEY4CHER |
navigate | NAE4VIXGEYT |
near | NIY4R |
need | NIY4D |
negative | NEH5GAXTIH6V |
negotiate NIXGOW4SHIYEYT | |
neighborhood | NEY4BER/HUH6D |
nerve | NER4V |
neutral | NUX4TRUL |
news | NUW4Z |
nice | NAY4S |
night | NAY4T |
noise | NOY4Z |
nomenclature | NOH4MIXNKLEY6CHER |
none | NAH4N |
normal | NOH4RMUL |
north | NOH4RTH |
nose | NOW4Z |
notation | NOHTEY4SHUN |
notice | NOW4TIXS |
nothing | NAH4THIHNX |
now | NAW4 |
nuclear | NUX4KLIYER |
number | NAH4MBER |
- O -
Word | Phoneme |
object | AA4BJEHKT |
obligation | AA5BLIXGEY4SHUN |
observe | AXBZER4V |
obvious | AA4BVIYAXS |
occational | AHKEY4ZHUNUL |
occupation | AA5KYUXPEY4SHUN |
ocean | OW4SHUN |
odd | AA4D |
of | AH4V |
off | AO4F |
offer | AO4FER |
office | AO4FIXS |
official | AHFIH4SHUL |
ogre | OW4GER |
ohm | OW4M |
oil | OY4L |
O.K. | OW4KEY |
old | OW4LD |
omen | OW4MUN |
on | AA4N |
open | OW4PUN |
operate | AA4PEREYT |
opinion | AHPIH4NYUN |
oppose | AHPOW4Z |
opposite | AA4PAXSIHT |
option | AA4PSHUN |
orbit | OH4RBIHT |
orchestra | OH4RKEHSTRAH |
order | OH4RDER |
ordinary | OH4RDIXNEHRIY |
organize | OH4GUNAYZ |
origin | OH4RIXJIXN |
oscillation | AA5SULEY4SHUN |
other | AH4DHER |
ought | AO4T |
out | AW4T |
outlet | AW4TLEHT |
output | AW4TPUHT |
outside | AWTSAY4D |
over | OW4VER |
own | OW4N |
oxygen | AA4KSAXJIXN |
- p -
Word | Phoneme |
pack | PAEPAE4K |
package | PAE4KIXJ |
page | PEY4J |
paint | PEY4NT |
pair | PEH4R |
palace | PAE4LIXS |
panel | PAE4NUL |
paper | PEY4PER |
parabola | PERAE4BULAH |
paradox | PAE4RAXDAA6KS |
parallel | PAE4RULEH6L |
paragraph | PAE4RAXGRAEF |
pardon | PAA4RDUN |
parent | PEH4RUNT |
parity | PAE4RIXTIY |
park | PAA4RK |
part | PAA4RT |
particle | PAA4RTIXKUL |
particular | PAARTIH4KYUHLER |
pass | PAE4S |
patch | PAE4TCH |
pathetic | PAHTHEH4TIXK |
pattern | PAE4TERN |
pause | PAO4Z |
pay | PEY4 |
payroll | PEY4ROW6L |
peculiar | PIXKYUW4LYER |
penalty | PEH4NULTIY4 |
penetrate | PEH4NAXTREY6T |
perception | PERSEH4PSHUN |
perfect | PER4FIXKT |
period | PIH4RIYIXD |
permanent | PER4MUNIXNT |
permission | PERMIH4SHUN |
person | PER4SUN |
personality | PER4SUNAE5LIX1 |
perspective | PERSPEH4KTIXV |
pet | PEH4T |
phantom | FAE4NTUM |
phase | FEY4Z |
phenomenon | FUNAA4MIXNU |
philosophy | FULAA4SAHFIY |
phoneme | FOW4NIYM |
photo | FOW4TOW |
physical | FIH4ZIXKUL |
physics | FIH4ZIXKS |
piano | PYAE4NOW |
pick | PIH4K |
picture | PIH4KCHER |
pilot | PAY4LIXT |
pin | PIH4N |
pirate | PAY4RIXT |
pistol | PIH4STUL |
pitch | PIH4TCH |
pity | PIH4TIY |
place | PLEY4S |
plan | PLAE4N |
planet | PLAE4NIXT |
plastic | PLAE4STIxK |
plausible | PLAO4ZAXBUL |
play | PLEY4 |
please | PLIY4Z |
pleasure | PLEH4ZHER |
plectrum | PLEH4KTRUM |
plenty | PLEH4NTIY |
plot | PLAA4T |
plug | PLAH4G |
plus | PLAH4S |
poetry | POW4IXTRIY |
point | POY4NT |
poke | POW4K |
police | PULIY4S |
policy | PAA4LIXSIY |
polynomial | PAA5LIXNOH4MIYUL |
pop | PAA4P |
popular | PAA4PYULER |
population | PAA4PYULEY4SHUN |
port | POH4RT |
portable | POH4RTAXBUL |
positive | PAA4ZIXTIX6V |
position | PAXZIH4SHUN |
power | PAW4ER |
practice | PRAE4KTIHS |
precise | PRIXSAY4S |
prefer | PRIXFER4 |
preliminary | PREIXLIH4MIXNEHRIY |
prepare | PRIXPEH4R |
present | PREH4ZIXNT |
press | PREH4S |
pressure | PREH4SHER |
prevent | PRIXVEH4NT |
primary | PRAY4MEHRIY |
primitive | PRIH4MIXTIX6V |
prince | PRIH4NS |
princess | PRIH4NSEHS |
private | PRAY4VIXT |
probably | PRAA4BAXBLIY |
problem | PRAA4BLUM |
proceed | PROHSIY4D |
process | PRAA4SEHS |
produce | PRAXDUW4S |
professional | PRAXFEH4SHUNUL |
professor | PRAHFEH4SER |
profit | PRAA4FIXT |
program | PROW4GRAEM |
project | PRAA4JEHKT |
promise | PRAA4MIHS |
pronounce | PRUNAW4NS |
proper | PRAA4PER |
proportional | PRAXPOH4RSHUNUL |
protect | PRAXTEH4KT |
proud | PRAW4D |
psychiatrist | SAYKAY4AXTRIX6ST |
public | PAH4BLIXK |
publish | PAH4BLIHSH |
pull | PUH4L |
pulse | PAH4LS |
pure | PYUW4R |
push | PUH4SH |
put | PUH4T |
- Q -
Word | Phoneme |
quality | KWAA4LIXTIY |
quantity | KWAA4NTIXTIY |
question | KWEH4SCHUN |
quick | KWIH4K |
quiet | KWAY4IXT |
quit | KWIH4T |
quiz | KWIH4Z |
quote | KWOW4T |
quotient | KWOW4SHUNT |
- R -
Word | Phoneme |
race | REY4S |
radar | REY4DAAR |
radiation | REY5DIYEY4SHUN |
radio | REY4DIYOW |
radius | REY4DIYAHS |
rain | REY4N |
random | RAE4NDUM |
range | REY4NJ |
rare | REH4R |
rate | REY4T |
rather | RAE4DHER |
ratio | REY4SHIYOW |
reach | RIY4CH |
reaction | RIYAE4KSHUN |
read | RIY4D |
realistic | RIY5LIH4STIXK |
reason | RIY4ZUN |
receive | RIXSIY4V |
reciter | RIXSAY4TER |
recognize | REH4KAXGNAYZ |
recommend | REH5KUMEH4ND |
record | REH4KERD |
recover | RIYKAH4VER |
rectangle | REH4KTAENXGUL |
reduce | RIXDUW4S |
refer | RIYFER4 |
reference | REH4FERIXNS |
reflection | RIXFLEH4KSHUN |
refrigerator | RIXFRIH4JEREYTER |
region | RIY4JUN |
register | REH4JIXSTER |
regular | REH4GYUXLER |
reject | RIXJEH4KT |
relativity | REH5LAXTIH4VIXTIY |
relax | RIXLAE4KS |
relay | RIY4LEY |
release | RIXLIY4S |
relief | RIYLIY4F |
religion | RIXLUH4JUN |
remain | RIYMEY4N |
remember | RIXMEH4MBER |
remove | RIYMUX4V |
rent | REH4NT |
repeat | RIXPIY4T |
replace | RIXPLEY4S |
reply | RIXPLAY4 |
report | RIXPOH4RT |
represent | REHPRIXZEH4NT |
reproduction | RIY5PRAXDAH4KSHUN |
republic | RIXPAH4BLIXK |
rescue | REH4SKYUW |
research | RIY4SERCH |
reserve | RIXZER4V |
resistance | RIXZIH4STUNS |
respect | RIXSPEH4KT |
response | RIXSPAA4NS |
rest | REH4ST |
restore | RIXSTOH4R |
retail | RIY4TEY6L |
return | RIXTER4N |
reverse | RIXVER4S |
review | RIXVYUW4 |
revolution | REH5VULUXWSHUN |
rhapsody | RAE4PSAXDIY |
rhythm | RIH4DHUM |
rich | RIH4CH |
ride | RAY4D |
ridiculous | RIXDIH4KYULAXS |
right | RAY4T |
rigid | RIH4JIXD |
ring | RIH4NX |
rise | RAY4Z |
river | RIH4VER |
road | ROW4D |
rocket | RAA4KIXT |
roll | ROH4L |
room | RUW4M |
rough | RAH4F |
round | RAW4ND |
rubber | RAH4BER |
rule | RUW4L |
run | RAH4N |
rush | RAH4SH |
- S -
Word | Phoneme |
sabotage | SAE5BAXTAA6ZH |
sacrifice | SAE4KRIXFAYS |
sad | SAE4D |
safe | SEY4F |
safety | SEY4FTIY |
saint | SEY4NT |
sale | SEY4L |
S.A.M. | SAE4M |
same | SEY4M |
sample | SAE4MPUL |
sanctuary | SAE4NXKCHUWEH6RIY |
sandwich | SAE4NWIXCH |
sarcasm | SAA4IRKAEZUM |
satisfaction | SAE4TIXSFAE4KSHUN |
savage | SAE4VIXJ |
save | SEY4V |
say | SEY4 |
scale | SKEY4L |
scandal | SKAE4NDUL |
scarce | SKEY4RS |
scatter | SKAE4TER |
scenic | SIY4NIXK |
schedule | SKEH4JYUWL |
scheme | SKIY4M |
scholar | SKAA4LER |
school | SKUW4L |
science | SAY4IHNS |
scientific | SAY4UNTIH5FIXK |
scientific | SAY4AXNTIH5FIXK |
scissors | SIH4ZERZ |
score | SKOH4R |
scramble | SKRAE4MBUL |
scratch | SKRAE4CH |
scream | SKRIY4M |
screw | SKRUW4 |
script | SKRIH4PT |
scroll | SKROW4L |
seal | SIY4L |
search | SER4CH |
season | SIY4ZUN |
second | SEH4KUND |
secret | SIY4KRIXT |
secretary | SEH4KRIXTEH5RIY |
section | SEH4KSHUN |
security | SIXKYUH4RIXTIY |
see | SIY4 |
seek | SIY4K |
segment | SEH4GMIXNT |
self | SEH4LF |
sell | SEH4L |
semi### - | SEH4MIY |
send | SEH4ND |
sensation | SEHNSEY4SHUN |
senior | SIY4NYER |
sense | SEH4NS |
sensible | SEH4NSIXBUL |
sensitive | SEH4NSIXTIX6V |
sentence | SEH4NTIXNS |
separate | SEH4PERIXT |
sequence | SIY4KWEHNS |
serial | SIH4RIYUL |
serious | SIH4RIYAHS |
serve | SER4V |
service | SER4VIXS |
session | SEH4SHUN |
set | SEH4T |
settle | SEH4TUL |
several | SEH4VERUL |
sex | SEH4KS |
shadow | SHAE4DOW |
shake | SHEY4K |
shame | SHEY4M |
shape | SHEY4P |
share | SHEY4R |
sharp | SHAA4RP |
she | SHIY4 |
sheet | SHIY4T |
shield | SHIY4LD |
shift | SHIH4FT |
shock | SHAA4K |
shoot | SHUW4T |
shop | SHAA4P |
short | SHOH4RT |
should | SHUH4D |
show | SHOW4 |
shy | SHAY4 |
sick | SIH4K |
side | SAY4D |
sight | SAY4T |
sign | SAY4N |
signal | SIH4GNUL |
silent | SAY4LIXNT |
silver | SIH4LVER |
similar | SIH4MULER |
simple | SIH4MPUL |
simplicity | SIHMPLIH4SIXTIY |
simulator | SIH4MYULEYTER |
sin | SIH4N |
single | SIH4NXGUL |
sinister | SIH4NIXSTER |
sir | SER4 |
siren | SAY4RIXN |
sit | SIH4T |
situation | SIH5CHUWEY4SHUN |
skeptical | SKEH4PTIXKUL |
sketch | SKEH4TCH |
skill | SKIH4L |
skip | SKIH4P |
slang | SLAE4NX |
sleep | SLIY4P |
sleeve | SLIY4V |
slip | SLIH4P |
slot | SLAA4T |
slow | SLOW4 |
small | SMAO4L |
smart | SMAA4RT |
smell | SMEH4L |
smooth | SMUW4DH |
snap | SNAE4P |
so | SOW4 |
social | SOW4SHUL |
society | SAXSAY4IXTIY |
soft | SAO4FT |
solar | SOW4LER |
soldier | SOH4LJER |
solemn | SAA4LUM |
solid | SAA4LIXD |
solitude | SAA4LIXTUW6D |
solution | SULUW4SHUN |
some | SAH4M |
somebody | SAH4MBAADIY |
song | SAO4NX |
soon | SUW4N |
sophisticated | SAXFIH4STIXKEYTIXD |
sorry | SAA4RIY |
sort | SOH4RT |
sound | SAW4ND |
south | SAW4TH |
space | SPEY4S |
spare | SPEY4R |
spatial | SPEY4SHUL |
speak | SPIY4K |
special | SPEH4SHUL |
specific | SPAXSIH4FIXK |
speculate | SPEH4KYULEYT |
speech | SPIY4CH |
speed | SPIY4D |
spell | SPEH4L |
spend | SPEH4ND |
sphere | SFIY4R |
spin | SPIH4N |
spiral | SPAY4RUL |
spirit | SPIH4RIXT |
splendid | SPLEH4NDIXD |
split | SPLIH4T |
spoil | SPOY4L |
spontaneous | SPAANTEY4NIYAHS |
sports | SPOH4RTS |
spot | SPAA4T |
spread | SPREH4D |
spring | SPRIH4NX |
spy | SPAY4 |
square | SKWEH4R |
squeeze | SKWIY4Z |
stability | STAXBIH4LIXTIY |
staff | STAE4F |
stand | STAE4ND |
standard | STAE4NDERD |
star | STAA4R |
start | STAA4RT |
state | STEY4T |
static | STAE4TIXK |
station | STEY4SHUN |
stay | STEY4 |
steady | STEH4DIY |
steer | STIY4R |
step | STEH4P |
stereo | STEH4RIYOW |
stick | STIH4K |
stimualte | STIH4MYULEYT |
stock | STAA4K |
stone | STOW4N |
stop | STAA4P |
store | STOH4R |
story | STOH4RIY |
straight | STREY4T |
strange | STREY4NJ |
strategy | STRAE4TIXJIY |
street | STRIY4T |
strength | STREY4NTH |
strike | STRAY4K |
strong | STRAO4NX |
structure | STRAH4KCHER |
stubborn | STAH4BERN |
student | STUW4DIXNT |
study | STAH4DIY |
stuff | STAH4F |
stupid | STUX4PIXD |
style | STAY4L |
subject | SAH4BJEHKT |
substance | SAH4BSTIXNS |
subtle | SAH4TUL |
succession | SAHKSEH4SHUN |
succeed | SAHKSIY4D |
such | SAH4CH |
sudden | SAH4DIXN |
suggest | SAHGJEH4ST |
sum | SAH4M |
summer | SAH4MER |
sun | SAH4N |
super | SUX4PER |
superb | SUXPER4B |
superior | SUXPIH4RIYER |
supply | SAXPLAY4 |
support | SAXPOH4RT |
sure | SHUX4R |
surprise | SERPRAY4Z |
surroundings | SERAW4NDIHNXGZ |
suspend | SAHSPEH4ND |
swear | SWEH4R |
sweep | SWIY4P |
swell | SWEH4L |
swing | SWIH4NX |
syllable | SIH4LAXBUL |
symbol | SIH4MBUL |
symbolic | SIHMBAA4LIXK |
symmetric | SIHMEH4TRIXK |
sympathy | SIH4MPAXTHIY |
synchronize | SIH4NXKRAX5NAYZ |
synonym | SIH4NUNIXM |
system | SIH4STUM |
synthesizer | SIH4NTHAXSAYZER |
- T -
Word | Phoneme |
tab | TAE4B |
table | TEY4BUL |
tactical | TAE4KTIXKUL |
tail | TEY4L |
take | TEY4K |
talent | TAE4LIX6NT |
tall | TAO4L |
talk | TAO4K |
tap | TAE4P |
tape | TEY4P |
target | TAA4RGIXT |
task | TEY4ST |
tax | TAE4KS |
teach | TIY4CH |
team | TIY4M |
technical | TEH4KNIXKUL |
technology | TEHKNAA4LAXJIY |
telephone | TEH4LAX6FOWN |
television | TEH4LAX6VIXZHUN |
temper | TEH4MPER |
tender | TEH4NDER |
tense | TEH4NS |
tension | TEH4NSHUN |
term | TER4M |
terminal | TER4MIXNUL |
terrestrial | TER6EH4STRIY6UL |
terrible | TEH4RAXBUL |
territory | TEH4RAXTOH6RIY |
terror | TEH4RER6 |
test | TEH4ST |
testimony | TEH4STUMOHNIY |
text | TEH4KST |
than | DHAE4N |
than | DHAE4N |
thank | THAE4NXK |
that | DHAE4T |
the | DHAH4 |
theater | THIY4AHTER |
then | DHEH4N |
theorem | THIY4RUM |
theory | THIY4RIY |
thermometer | THERMAA4MIXTER |
thesis | THIY4SIXS |
they | DHEY4 |
thin | THIH4N |
thing | THIH4NX |
think | THIH4NXK |
this | DHIH4S |
thought | THAO4T |
threshold | THREH4SH/HOWLD |
through | THRUW4 |
ticket | TIH4KIXT |
tight | TAY4T |
time | TAY4M |
tiny | TAY4NIY |
tired | TAY4ERD |
title | TAY4TUL |
together | TUXGEH4DHER |
tolerance | TAA4LERIXNS |
tone | TOW4N |
tool | TUW4L |
top | TAA4P |
toss | TAO4S |
touch | TAH4CH |
tough | TAH4F |
tournament | TER4NUMIXNT |
toward | TOH4RD |
toward | TOW4RD |
town | TAW4N |
toy | TOY4 |
trace | TREY4S |
track | TRAE4K |
trade | TREY4D |
tradition | TRAXDIH4SHUN |
traffic | TRAE4FIXK |
trail | TREY4L |
trajectory | TRAXJEH4KTERY |
transaction | TRAENZAE4KSHUN |
transfer | TRAE4NSFER |
transform | TRAENSFOH4RM |
transistor | TRAENZIH4STER |
translate | TRAE4NZLEYT |
transmit | TRAE4NZMIXT |
transparent | TRAE5NSPEH4RIXNT |
transportation | TRAE5NZPOHRTEY4SHUN |
trap | TRAE4P |
treasury | TREH4ZHERIY |
tree | TRIY4 |
trek | TREH4K |
tremendous | TRIXMEH4NDAXS |
trespass | TREH4SPAES |
trial | TRAY4UL |
trangle | TRAY4AENXGUL |
trick | TRIH4K |
trgger | TRIH4GER |
trim | TRIH4M |
trip | TRIH4P |
triple | TRIH4PUL |
triumph | TRAY4AHMF |
troll | TROW4L |
trophy | TROW4FIY |
trouble | TRAH4BUL |
truck | TRAH4K |
true | TRUW4 |
truth | TRUW4TH |
trj | TRAY4 |
tune | TUW4N |
tunnel | TAH4NUL |
turn | TER4N |
tutor | TUW4TER |
twist | TWIH4ST |
type | TAY4P |
typewriter | TAY4PRAYTER |
- U -
Word | Phoneme |
ugly | AH4GLIY |
ultimate | AH4LTAX6MIXT |
uncle | AH4NKUL |
under | AH4NDER |
understand | AH5NDERSTAE4ND |
uniform | YUW4NIXFOHRM |
union | YUW4NYUN |
unit | YUW4NIXT |
universal | YUW5NIXVER4SUL |
unless | AHNLEH4S |
up | AH4P |
upset | AHPSEH4T |
urge | EH4RJ |
use | YUW4S |
utility | YUWTIH4LIXTIY |
- V -
Word | Phoneme |
vacation | VEYKEY4SHUN |
vacuum | VAE4KYUWM |
vague | VEY4G |
valid | VAE4LIXD |
value | VAE4LYUW |
valve | VAE4LV |
vanadium | VUNEY4DIYUM |
vapor | VEY4PER |
variation | VEH5RIYEY4SHUN |
various | VEH4RIYAHS |
vary | VEH4RIY |
veal | VIY4L |
vector | VEH4KTER |
vegetable | VEH4JTAXBUL |
vehicle | VIY4IX6KUL |
ventilate | VEH4NTULEYT |
verb | VER4B |
versatile | VER4SAXTUL |
verse | VER4S |
version | VER4ZHUN |
vertical | VER4TIXKUL |
very | VEH4RIY |
veto | VIY4TOW |
vibration | VAYBREY4SHUN |
vicinity | VAXSIH4NIXTIY |
victory | VIH4KTERIY |
video | VIH4DIYOW |
village | VIH4LIXJ |
vinyl | VAY4NUL |
violation | VAY4AXLEY5SHUN |
virtue | VER4CHUW |
visible | VIH4ZIXBUL |
visit | VIH4ZIXT |
vital | VAY4TUL |
vocabulary | VOHKAE4BYULEHRIY |
vocal | VOW4KUL |
voice | VOY4S |
volt | VOW4LT |
volume | VAA4LYUWM |
voluntary | VAA4LUNTEH5RIY |
vote | VOW4T |
vowel | VAW4UL |
voyage | VOY4IXJ |
video | VIH4DIYOW |
- W -
Word | Phoneme |
wafer | WEY4FER |
wage | WEY4J |
wait | WEY4T |
wake | WEY4K |
walk | WAO4K |
wall | WAO4L |
war | WOH4R |
warm | WOH4RM |
warp | WOH4RP |
warranty | WOH5RIXNTIY4 |
wash | WAA4SH |
waste | WEY4ST |
watch | WAA4CH |
water | WAO4TER |
watt | WAA4T |
wave | WEY4V |
way | WEY4 |
weak | WIY4K |
wealth | WEH4LTH |
wear | WEH4R |
wedding | WEH4DIHNX |
week | WIY4K |
weight | WEY4 |
welcome | WEH4LKUM |
well | WEH4L |
were | WER4 |
what | WHAH4T |
wheel | WHIY4L |
when | WHEH4N |
which | WHIH4CH |
while | WHAY4L |
whisper | WHIH4SPER |
white | WHAY4T |
who | /HUW4 |
whole | /HOW4L |
wide | WAY4D |
wild | WAY4LD |
will | WIH4L |
win | WIH4N |
window | WIH4NDOW |
wing | WIH4NX |
winter | WIH4NTER |
wise | WAY4Z |
wish | WIH4SH |
with | WIH4TH |
wizard | WIH4ZERD |
woman | WUH4MUN |
women | WIH4MIXN |
wonder | WAH4NDER |
word | WER4D |
Wordrace | WER2DREYS |
work | WER4K |
world | WUH4RLD |
worry | WER4IY |
would | WUH4D |
wrap | RAE4P |
write | RAY4T |
wrong | RAO4NX |
- X -
Word | Phoneme |
xerox | ZIH4RAAKS |
X-ray | EH4KSREY |
xylophone | ZAY4LAXFOWN |
- Y -
Word | Phoneme |
yacht | YAA4T |
yard | YAA4RD |
yawn | YAO4N |
year | YIH4R |
yellow | YEH4LOW |
yes | YEH4S |
you | YUW4 |
your | YOH4R |
youth | YUX4TH |
- Z -
Word | Phoneme |
zany | ZEY4NIY |
zero | ZIY4ROW |
zig-zag | ZIH3GZAEG |
zip | ZIH4P |
zodiac | ZOW4DIY6AEK |
zone | ZOW4N |
Word | Phoneme |
Monday | MAH4NDEY |
Tuesday | TUW4ZDEY |
Wednesday | WEH4NZDEY |
Thursday | THER4ZDEY |
Friday | FRAY4DEY |
Saturday | SAE4TERDEY |
Sunday | SAH4NDEY |
Word | Phoneme |
February | FEH4BRUXEH6RIY |
March | MAA4RCH |
April | EY4PRIXL |
May | MEY4 |
June | JUW4N |
July | JUHLAY4 |
August | AO4GAXST |
September | SEHPTEH4MBER |
October | AAKTOW4BER |
November | NOHVEH4MBER |
December | DIHSEH4MBER |
Word | Phoneme |
one | WAH4N |
two | TUW4 |
three | THRIY4 |
four | FOH4R |
five | FAY4V |
six | SIH4KS |
seven | SEH4VIXN |
eight | EY4T |
nine | NAY4N |
ten | TEH4N |
eleven | IXLEH4VIXN |
twelve | TWEH4LV |
thirteen | THER4TIY6N |
twenty | TWEH4NTIY |
thirty | THER4TIY |
hundred | /HAH4NDRIXD |
thousand | THAW4ZUND |
million | MIH4LYUN |
Word | Phoneme |
United States | YUWNAY4TIXD STEY4TS |
Alabama | AE4LAXBAE6MAX |
Alaska | AHLAE4SKAH |
Arizona | EH4RAXZOW5NAH |
Arkansas | AA4RKUNSAO |
California | KAE5LAXFOH4RNYAH |
Colorado | KAA5LAXRAA4DOW |
Connecticut | KAHNEH4TIXKAHT |
Delaware | DEH4LAXWEH6R |
Florida | FLOH4RIXDAH |
Georgia | JOH4RJAH |
Hawaii | /HAHWAY4IY |
Idaho | AY4DAH/HOW |
Illinois | IHLUNOY4 |
Indiana | IH5NDIYAE4NAH |
Iowa | AY4AHWAH |
Kansas | KAE4NZIXS |
Kentucky | KEHNTAH4KIY |
Louisiana | LUXIY4ZIYAE5NAH |
Maine | MEY4N |
Maryland | MEH4RULIXND |
Massachusetts | MAE5SAXCHUW4SIXTS |
Michigan | MIH4SAXGUN |
Minnesota | MIH5NAXSOW4TAH |
Mississippi | MIH5SIXSIH4PIY |
Missouri | MIHZUH4RIY |
Montana | MAANTAE4NAH |
Nebraska | NAXBRAE4SKAH |
Nevada | NAXVAE4DAH |
New Hampshire | NUW6/HAE4MPSHER |
New Jersey | NUWJER4ZIY |
New York | NUWYOH4RK |
North Carolina | NOH4RTH KEH5RULAY4NAH |
North Dakota | NOH4RTH DAHKOW4TAH |
Ohio | OW/HAY4OW |
Oklahoma | OWKLAX6/HOW4MAH |
Oregon | OH4RIXGUN |
Pennsylvania | PEH5NSULVEY4NYAH |
Rhode Island | ROW5D AY4LUND |
South Carolina | SAW4TH KEH5RULAY4NAH |
South Dakota | SAW4TH DAXKOW4TAH |
Tennessee | TEH5NAXSIY4 |
Texas | TEH4KSAXS |
Utah | YUW4TAO6 |
Vermont | VERMAA4NT |
Virginia | VERJIH4NYAH |
Washington | WAA4SHIHNXTAHN |
West Virginia | WEH5ST VERJIH4NYAH |
Wisconsin | WIHSKAA4NSUN |
Wyoming | WAYOW4MIHNX |
Provinces of Canada
Word | Phoneme |
Alberta | AELBER4TAH |
Manitoba | MAE5NIXTOW4BAH |
New Brunswich | NUWBRAH4NZWIXK |
Newfoundland | NUW4FIXNLIXND |
Nova Scotia | NOH4VAX5KOW4SHAH |
Ontario | AANTEH4RIYOW |
Prince Edward Island | PRIH5NS EH4DWERD AY4LUND |
Quebec | KUHBEH4K |
Saskatchewan | SAESKAE4CHAXWAAN |
Word | Phoneme |
units | YUW4NIXTS |
inches | IH4NCHIXZ |
feet | FIY4T |
yards | YAA4RDZ |
miles | MAY4LZ |
centimeters | SEH4NTIXMIY6TERZ |
kilometers | KIXLAA4MIXTERZ |
acres | EY4KERZ |
ounces | AW4NSIXZ |
pounds | PAW4NDZ |
tons | TAH4NZ |
grams | GRAE4MZ |
teaspoons | TIY4SPUWNZ |
cups | KAH4PS |
pints | PAY4NTS |
quarts | KWOH4RTS |
gallons | GAE4LUNZ |
liters | LIY4TERZ |
degrees | DAXGRIY4Z |