Webweaver - FrogMan650/EndGameEnhanced GitHub Wiki

An Inevitable Bow with special properties.

Stats and effects

The stats listed here are the base stats and can be increased using enchantments and effects.

Attack damage: 13.5 Average

Web Shot:

  • 25% Ammo save chance
  • Increased Arrow Velocity
  • 50% Increased Accuracy
  • Applies Slowness IV for 15 seconds to enemies
  • Has a default arrow that's used if you don't have any ammo
    • This arrow does 9 damage on average
    • When the bow is enchanted with infinity it does full damage
    • Any carried arrows are always prioritized
  • Damage is affected by distance to the target
    • When 16 blocks or closer to the target you lose 1 damage every 1.5 blocks, capped at -5 damage
    • When 16 blocks or farther from the target you gain 1 damage every 2 blocks, capped at +5 damage
    • When 50 blocks or farther from the target you gain 10 damage


Base Item: Bow

Smithing Template

Pure Spider Essence

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