Web Service - FreeSpirit0/netflix-dao GitHub Wiki



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Staff API

GET /staffs/id/

  • Get staff by id
  • Response: Status code 200 with matching staff.
  "id": 1,
  "show_id": "s1",
  "director": "Kirsten Johnson",
  "cast": ""

GET /staffs/

  • Get all staff
  • Response: Status code 200 with list of all staffs.
    "id": 1,
    "show_id": "s1",
    "director": "Kirsten Johnson",
    "cast": ""

Title API

GET /titles/id/

  • Get title by id
  • Response: Status code 200 with matching title.
  "id": "s1",
  "type": "Movie",
  "title": "Dick Johnson Is Dead",
  "date_added": "September 25, 2021",
  "release_year": 2020,
  "rating": "PG-13",
  "duration": "90 min",
  "genre": "Documentaries",
  "description": ...

GET /titles/

  • Get all titles
  • Response: Status code 200 with all titles.
  "id": "s1",
  "type": "Movie",
  "title": "Dick Johnson Is Dead",
  "date_added": "September 25, 2021",
  "release_year": 2020,
  "rating": "PG-13",
  "duration": "90 min",
  "genre": "Documentaries",
  "description": ...
}, ...