Controls - FredTungsten/ScriptPlayer GitHub Wiki



Open Video Opens selected video and attempts to find a script with the same filename.
Open Script Opens selected script and attempts to find a video with the same filename.
Add to Playlist Adds all selected scripts to the playlist.
Show Playlist Opens the playlist window.


Connect Launch directly Searches for and connects to a Fleshlight Launch.
Buttplug - Connect Connects to Buttplug Websocket Server.
Buttplug - Disconnect Diosconnects from Buttplug Websocket Server.
Buttplug - Scan for Devices Lets Buttplug scan for devices.


Local Local Playback - works like a regular video player.
Blind Mode Disables audio and video playback, can be used to watch videos with a different player.
Whirligig Connects to the Whirligig Media Player (VR) and syncs to the video being played. Make sure to enable Timecode Server in the settings tab General 1.
VLC Connects to VLC and syncs to the video being played. Make sure to enable the Web Interface in the settings tab Main Interfaces.


Toggle Fullscreen Toggles Fullscreen mode.


Opens the settings dialog.


Documentation Opens this Wiki in the default browser.
About / Check for new Version Displays the current version and checks online for a newer one.


Click on video Toggle playback
Double-click on video Toggle fullscreen
Right-click on video Logs current timestamp (if enabled in debug menu)


Media-keys like Play, Pause, Toggle Playback, Previous and Next are supported.

In Blind Mode the Previous and Next keys can be used to adjust the timing of the script by ±50ms.

Basic controls

Return Toggle fullscreen
Escape Exit fullscreen
Space Toggle playback
Left Go back 5 seconds
Right Go forward 5 seconds
Up Volume up
Down Volume down

Video Pan/Zoom (Numpad)

5 Reset view (Zoom to fit)
1 Zoom out
9 Zoom in

2 Move down
4 Move left
6 Move right
8 Move up

7 Toggle SBS-Mode (show only left half of the video)