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Object Data Structures in C

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In the C programming language, various data structures are used to represent objects in software systems. These structures facilitate the modeling and management of hierarchical relationships between objects, classification based on types, and precise spatial representation with floating-point coordinates.

ObjectI Struct


struct ObjectI
    int64_t x;
    int64_t y;
    int64_t z;
    int64_t id;
    enum ObjectType type;
    char* attrs;
    struct ObjectI* children;
    unsigned int numchildren;
    struct ObjectI* parent;


  • Coordinates (x, y, z): Integer coordinates representing the spatial position of the object.
  • ID (id): Unique identifier for the object.
  • Type (type): Enumeration representing the type of the object.
  • Attributes (attrs): Additional attributes or properties of the object.
  • Children (children): Pointer to an array of child objects.
  • Number of Children (numchildren): Total number of child objects associated with the current object.
  • Parent (parent): Pointer to the parent object of the current object.


The ObjectI struct is utilized in various software applications where hierarchical data representation is required, such as graphics and visualization systems, data structures, and object-oriented programming.


// Example code demonstrating the usage of ObjectI struct

ObjectType Enumeration


enum ObjectType {


  • Script: Represents a script object.
  • LibScript: Denotes a library script object.
  • PartCube: Represents a cube-shaped part object.
  • MeshPart: Signifies an object with a mesh structure.
  • Container: Represents a generic container or holder for other objects or data.


The ObjectType enumeration is employed in software systems to classify objects based on their types, enabling object classification, type-specific behavior, and interoperability.


// Example code demonstrating the usage of ObjectType enumeration

ObjectF Struct


struct ObjectF
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
    int64_t id;
    enum ObjectType type;
    char* attrs;
    struct ObjectF* children;
    unsigned int numchildren;
    struct ObjectF* parent;


  • Coordinates (x, y, z): Floating-point coordinates representing the spatial position of the object.
  • ID (id): Unique identifier for the object.
  • Type (type): Enumeration representing the type of the object.
  • Attributes (attrs): Additional attributes or properties of the object.
  • Children (children): Pointer to an array of child objects.
  • Number of Children (numchildren): Total number of child objects associated with the current object.
  • Parent (parent): Pointer to the parent object of the current object.


The ObjectF struct serves similar purposes as the ObjectI struct but with floating-point coordinates. It finds applications in software systems requiring precise spatial representation.


// Example code demonstrating the usage of ObjectF struct


  • C Programming Language Documentation
  • Object-Oriented Design Principles
  • Scientific Simulation and Modeling Practices