Custom Operator Console - FrcTeam4919/Resources GitHub Wiki
- Ti Wiki for Launchpad Operator Interface for FRC
- ti has removed the FRC Launchpad wiki page. The information is still available on the Internet Archive backup of the page.
- Launchpad Board Documentation
- GCC Link:
- User Manual:
- After installing the FRC Update you can find the Gamepad Tool by default in the following location: C:\Program Files(x86)\Frc Gamepad Tool\Gamepad tool.exe.
- Product Downloads
- Tinkercad
Requirements Notes from November 9th
Size limit, type -R98 60” by 14”
Decide what transportable means
Space for computer, charger, wires, joysticks
Need better computer - use Lenovo
Camera connection on screen
Connections 2 usb
Ethernet pigtail
Joystick of gamepad
Last years settings
12 buttons last year
4 for the driver, 8 for co-driver
Includes buttons for shifter
Review destination deep space rules and game manual section 10.10 R95-R100
Finalize requirements
Spend time in TinkerCad trying multiple layouts at scale, measure the Lenovo, the joysticks and buttons
Lenovo = 14 15/16" by 10 3/4"
Joystick = 8 1/4" by 8 1/4" and 6 1/2" by 6 1/2"
Buttons = 1.1" (diameter) 4" (Length of Thread)
Buttons = 0936-0941
How much of the 5 feet will we use and what will we use it for?
Consider more layout options for buttons
Consider also momentary toggle switches on-off-on could be used in place of the button pairs
Consider adding Analog inputs:Linear Slide Potentiometer or Rotary Potentiometer