IEC61937 13 decoder example - Fraunhofer-IIS/iec61937-13 GitHub Wiki
The iec61937-13 repository provides a command-line program as an example to decode IEC61937-13 data bursts to MPEG-H Audio bitstream.
The example program:
- takes an IEC raw data file, containing the IEC61937-13 data bursts, as input and extracts the MPEG-H Audio frames.
- stores the decoded MPEG-H Audio frames into a MP4 file (using the mmtisobmff project).

To build the IEC61937-13 decoder command-line example program set iec61937-13_BUILD_BINARIES
variable while configuring the project using CMake :
$ cmake -S iec61937-13 -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Diec61937-13_BUILD_BINARIES=True
Read build instructions to learn how to configure and build the project.
If build process is successfully finished, the IEC61937-13 decoder command-line tool iec61937-13_decoder can be found:
- in the build/bin folder
- in the build/bin/Release folder on Windows
$ build/bin/iec61937-13_decoder <path to input file> <path to output file> <swap byte order flag>
- <path to input file>
- relative or absolute path to an input IEC raw file containing IEC61937-13 data bursts to decode.
- <path to output file>
- relative or absolute path to an output file which will contain the extracted MPEG-H Audio frames as MP4 file (in MHM1 format).
- <swap byte order flag>
- allows to pairwise swap the IEC data burst input (1 to swap pairwise, 0 to keep the byte order)
- NOTE: the default byte order is Big-Endian
To test IEC61937-13 decoding with the provided command-line program example or with your own implementation please use an IEC encoded file using the IEC61937-13 encoder
Example to decode the output file from IEC61937-13 encoder example:
$ build/bin/iec61937-13_decoder out.raw out.mp4 0
Example above:
- takes the out.raw item as input.
- keeps the byte order (no byte swapping)
- writes the extracted MPEG-H Audio frames to out.mp4 file in MP4/MHM1 file format.
You can verify the decoding:
- using the MPEG-H decoder