Web Server (lighttpd) - FrankBau/meta-marsboard-bsp GitHub Wiki

The goal is to install lighttpd with php support.

on the build host

Add two more layers to conf/bblayers.conf if not yet present:

add some packages to your image:

IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " lighttpd php"

build the image, install it on SD card and boot the target.

bringing up lighttpd

mv /etc/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd.conf.orig

Edit /etc/lighttpd.conf:

server.document-root = "/www/pages"
server.port = 80

mimetype.assign = (
  ".html" => "text/html",
  ".txt" => "text/plain",
  ".jpg" => "image/jpeg",
  ".png" => "image/png"

static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".fcgi", ".php", ".rb", "~", ".inc" )
index-file.names = ( "index.html" )

and create a HTML web page /www/pages/index.html

After testing, check the original conf for more settings and consult the home page: https://www.lighttpd.net/

enabling PHP

The following rpm packages are needed: lighttpd-module-fastcgi and php-cgi. They were built when the image was bitbaked but not deployed to the target image. Locate these packages in the BSPDIR under build/deploy/rpm, copy them to the target and install them on the target:

rpm --install php-cgi-5.6.23-r0.cortexa9hf_neon.rpm
rpm --install lighttpd-module-fastcgi-1.4.39-r0.cortexa9hf_neon.rpm

Besides the installed php package, you need to extend /etc/lighttpd.conf to load the fastcgi module and use php-cli:

server.modules = (

fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
    ( "localhost" =>
            "socket" => "/tmp/php-fastcgi.socket",
            "bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi"

index-file.names = ( "index.php", "index.html" )

Create a minimal file /www/pages/index.php and remove (rename) the previously created file /www/pages/index.html. The .php file should contain a single line:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Restart the web server to make your changes effective:

/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart