Ethos audio sounds generation - FrSkyRC/ETHOS-Feedback-Community GitHub Wiki

Ethos sounds are automatically generated with the Google Cloud Text-to-Speech service, or the gTTS engine (english):

Here are the voices and parameters which are used:

    "cn": {
        "engine": "google",
        "voice": "cmn-CN-Wavenet-A",
        "speed": 1.3
    "cs": {
        "engine": "google",
        "voice": "cs-CZ-Wavenet-A",
    "de": {
        "engine": "google",
        "voice": "de-DE-Wavenet-E",
    "en": {
        "engine": "gtts",
        "voice": "en",
    "es": {
        "engine": "google",
        "voice": "es-ES-Wavenet-C",
    "fr": {
        "engine": "google",
        "voice": "fr-FR-Wavenet-E",
    "it": {
        "engine": "google",
        "voice": "it-IT-Wavenet-B",

By installing the Ethos Simulator you will find a CSV for each language with the list of all prompts. It is stored in this directory:
