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Readings: Exploitation with Metasploit

Below you will find reading materials and additional resources that support today’s topic and the upcoming lecture.

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What is Metasploit?

Explain what Metasploit is using non-technical terms.

  • Metasploit can be used to gather info during a pentest by performing network monitoring and scanning. Essentially, it can perform recon to find a weakness in your network. After it finds a weakness in your network, it can be used to exploit that weakness(es).

On the other side, which is the computer/device being hacked, Metasploit can be used to infect the computer and steal all your info and login credentials, as well as install things that track your every move on your computer. For example, keyloggers can be installed or install a "persistent backdoor", which allows the malware to stay on your computer even if it gets rebooted.