Compatibility - FluffyFishGames/AdvancedCompany GitHub Wiki

Compatibility is always a complex question. I assemble this list according to reports from the community and improvements I make to ensure compatibility.

Mods you dont need as AdvancedCompany is having its own solution for those problems:

  • MoreCompany
  • BiggerLobby
  • ShipLobby
  • LateCompany
  • LethalCompanyVariables
  • LethalUtilities
  • FlashlightFix
  • WeatherMultipliers
  • ExtraDaysToDeadline
  • IncreasedDeadlines
  • MikesTweaks

Fully compatible with integration or compability mode:

  • Coroner
  • TooManyEmotes
  • Mirror
  • ReservedSlots
    • With hotbar change deactivation. Please dont submit tickets regarding errors happening with hotbar changes being deactivated)
  • HotbarPlus
    • With hotbar change deactivation. Please dont submit tickets regarding errors happening with hotbar changes being deactivated)
  • HotbarTweaks
    • With hotbar change deactivation. Please dont submit tickets regarding errors happening with hotbar changes being deactivated)


  • Skinwalker
  • Mimics
  • badasscompany
  • glizzy emotes
  • broiilers emotes
  • ShipLoot
  • SpectateEnemies
  • Helmet Cameras
  • AlwaysHearActiveWalkies
  • YippeeMod (most importantly)
  • MoreSuits
  • LethalThings
    • Utility belt wont work correctly. So deactivate it.
  • LethalProgression
    • Deactivate all inventory based upgrades.
  • LateGame Upgrades
    • Item name conflict can appear. Try the portable terminal to buy items.
  • BetterTerminal
  • cirnofumoscrap
  • Dissonance Lag Fix
  • Door Fix
  • Health metrics
  • Terminal Clock
  • LCBetterSaves
  • Better ItemScan
  • QuotaRollover

Minor problems:

  • MoreEmotes
    • Some custom animations of Advanced Company wont be present due to animation compability mode.
  • BetterEXP
    • Endscreen is showing earned XP as part of the name due to how BetterEXP adds that info.
  • Lethal Company Enhancer
    • Deactivate the scrap saver in Lethal Company Enhancer to make it work.

Incompatible or major problems:

  • MoreHead
    • Incompatible as its written entirely for MoreCompany specifically.
  • LCVR
  • FontFixer
    • Mod needs to add characters for portable terminal to work or not touch the fonts of AdvancedCompany.
  • JetpackHandling
    • Jump height perk wont work
  • FlashlightFix (Functionality is already present in AC)
  • FairAI (Breaking due to lazy prefix return false modding copying whole game methods)