Dell Warranty - Flowman/ConfigMgr-Quick-Tools GitHub Wiki

NB! This view requires a Dell TechDirect API key, see bellow.

This tools give a quick way of accessing warranty information for a Dell device.


  1. Navigate to the ConfigMgr Console. If not already running, click Start, type Configuration Manager Console, and click the Configuration Manager Console icon.

  2. Click Assets and Compliance, click Devices, right click a device, and select Quick Tools -> Dell Warranty.

  3. Click the Refresh button, if it is greyed out, click on the options button to access the settings and specify your API key. The API url can be change the support the SANDBOX MODE (required for Dell API Key certification).


  1. Click OK to close.

Request a Dell API key

The API is part of the Dell TechDirect service offering. As such, enrolment in TechDirect is required.