Macros: Streamline Requests: Core Requests - FlipsideCrypto/fsc-evm GitHub Wiki

The following macros are intended to be used to create and maintain various models. These macros can be accessed via version >=v1.0.0 of the fsc-evm package. Please see the fsc-evm installation instructions in the README for more details on how to access and utilize this macro effectively.

The Core Streamline Requests macros are used to send requests for core, foundational EVM data to the nodes via EVM JSON-RPC API Methods.



This macro constructs an API request to retrieve the latest block number using the eth_blockNumber method. It returns the Chainhead response and converts the block number from hexadecimal to an integer. This macro is essential for obtaining core, foundational EVM data from the nodes.



Note: Parameters with default values must be ordered after non-default parameters.

Parameter Type Default Description
vault_secret_path String - The path to the vault secret used for authentication in API requests. The key:value pairing typically associated with this path is '{Service}/{Authentication}'.
quantum_state String - Indicates the state of the quantum request. Acceptable values are 'streamline' or 'livequery'. If not specified, both states are enabled. Can be overridden with fsc-quantum-state header.
api_url String '{Service}/{Authentication}' The URL for the API service.



This macro constructs a SQL query to retrieve block numbers based on the specified model and type. It filters blocks based on their presence in various tables and conditions, and it constructs a JSON-RPC API request to fetch additional data related to the blocks, based on the Method passed. The results can be limited with the query_limit parameter.



Note: Parameters with default values must be ordered after non-default parameters.

Parameter Type Default Description
model_type String - Specifies the type of model to use. Acceptable values are 'realtime' or 'history', determining how block numbers are filtered.
model String - Defines the specific model for the request. Possible values: 'confirmed_blocks', 'blocks_transactions', 'receipts', 'traces'.
quantum_state String - Indicates the state of the quantum request. Acceptable values are 'streamline' or 'livequery'. If not specified, both states are enabled.
vault_secret_path String - The path to the vault secret for authentication.
query_limit Integer - Limits the number of results returned by the query. If not specified, all results will be returned.
testing_limit Integer - This will pass in a limit function to the CTE step before LiveQuery is invoked in order to limit node request volume. Intended only for use in dev when building for a new chain.
api_url String '{Service}/{Authentication}' The URL for the API service.
order_by_clause String 'ORDER BY partition_key ASC' Specifies the SQL ORDER BY clause to sort the results.
new_build Boolean false Will ignore logic for retry and lookbacks when set to true. Used primarily for standing up new builds


{{ fsc_evm.streamline_core_requests(
    model_type = 'realtime',
    model = 'blocks_transactions',
    quantum_state = 'streamline',
    api_url = '{Service}/{Authentication}',
    vault_secret_path = "vault/prod/ethereum/quicknode/mainnet",
    order_by_clause='ORDER BY partition_key ASC'
    query_limit = 300
) }}