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Prices & Asset Metadata Pipeline


This guide covers the Prices & Asset Metadata Pipeline, deployed to Crosschain, which involves Streamline, Bronze, Silver and Gold DBT models associated with various third-party price-based APIs, such as Coingecko and Coinmarketcap.

  • There are three (3) general pipelines: Tokens, Native, Provider
    • Tokens: Assets with token addresses
      • This pipeline serves the ez_asset_metadata and ez_prices_hourly views
      • token_address is a crucial column for joining prices into other tables for USD pricing and other analysis
    • Native: Assets that are Native to the respective blockchain, such as ETH, POL, BNB, SOL etc.
      • Managed manually via the silver__native_assets_seed.csv seed file
      • This pipeline is unioned into ez_asset_metadata and ez_prices_hourly, with the is_native column to differentiate between native assets and token assets
    • Provider: Raw, non-transformed, non-imputed prices and asset metadata directly from the APIs
      • Includes QUALIFY filter(s) to ensure uniqueness
      • This pipeline serves the dim_asset_metadata and fact_prices_ohlc_hourly views

Best Practices, Tips & Tricks:

  • Raw prices and asset metadata are built using third-party price APIs: Coingecko and Coinmarketcap
    • These are external APIs and we do not have control over the outputs, uptime or integrity of the data. We build the pipeline in a way that mitigates outages, missing or incorrect data.

Implementation Steps, Variables & Notes:

  1. Bronze Layer

    • x
  2. Silver Layer

    • x
  3. Gold Layer

    • x

Examples, References & Sources:

Prices & Asset Metadata Table Set Up in Chain Specific Repos


This guide covers how to build and deploy all tables and views associated with the Prices & Asset Metadata pipeline, in each respective Blockchain's repository, primarily with references to the Bronze, Silver and Gold fsc_evm price macros.

Please reference the Prices & Asset Metadata Pipeline section above for more information regarding how the pipeline was established, and how each underlying model is intended to function.

Best Practices, Tips & Tricks:

  • Use the crosschain.price.dim/fact tables to research which blockchains, platforms and symbols should be included in each respective chain's set up. Because this data is primarily sourced from third-party APIs, we do not have control over the names/symbols and therefore, data may be labeled incorrectly or in a misleading/incomplete fashion.
    • Some blockchains, such as Kaia or Polygon, may require multiple blockchains, platforms, symbols or token_address filters for the complete_token_prices/asset_metadata tables. See the prices macros documentation for more information on how to handle.

Implementation Steps, Variables & Notes:

  1. Bronze Schema

    • Each bronze model should be materialized as a view. No other model-level configuration parameters are necessary.
    {{ config (
        materialized = 'view'
    ) }}
    • Add the following bronze schema models (bronze__<table_name>). Please reference fsc_evm price macros for details.
      • bronze__complete_native_asset_metadata.sql: Asset metadata associated with a specific blockchain(s) Native Asset(s) and the applicable symbol(s).
      • bronze__complete_native_prices.sql: Prices associated with a specific blockchain(s) Native Asset(s) and the applicable symbol(s).
      • bronze__complete_provider_asset_metadata.sql: Raw asset metadata for a specific platform(s), non-transformed and sourced directly from third-party price providers such as Coingecko and Coinmarketcap.
      • bronze__complete_provider_prices.sql: Raw open, high, low, close prices for all platforms, non-transformed and sourced directly from third-party price providers such as Coingecko and Coinmarketcap. This view will be joined with bronze__complete_provider_asset_metadata.sql in the silver layer to enable platform specific filtering.
      • bronze__complete_token_asset_metadata.sql: Metadata for assets with token_address, associated with a specific blockchain(s).
      • bronze__complete_token_prices.sql: Prices for assets with token_address, associated with a specific blockchain(s).
    • Define or update the definitions for the following variables in dbt_project.yml:
      ## PRICES
        PRICES_PLATFORMS: 'Ethereum' ### REQUIRED
        # PRICES_BLOCKCHAINS: ### OPTIONAL (defaults to target.database (excluding _dev) if not specified)
  2. Silver Schema

    • Each silver model should be materialized as an incremental table, with the following configuration parameters.
    {{ config(
        materialized = 'incremental',
        incremental_strategy = 'delete+insert',
        unique_key = 'complete_native_asset_metadata_id',
        post_hook = "ALTER TABLE {{ this }} ADD SEARCH OPTIMIZATION ON EQUALITY(asset_id, symbol, name),SUBSTRING(asset_id, symbol, name)",
        tags = ['non_realtime']
    ) }}
    • Add the following silver schema models (silver__<table_name>). Please reference fsc_evm price macros for details.
      • silver__complete_native_asset_metadata.sql: Directly references bronze__complete_native_asset_metadata.sql and includes incremental logic on modified_timestamp.
      • silver__complete_native_prices.sql: Directly references bronze__complete_native_prices.sql and includes incremental logic on modified_timestamp.
      • silver__complete_provider_asset_metadata.sql: Directly references bronze__complete_provider_asset_metadata.sql and includes incremental logic on modified_timestamp.
      • silver__complete_provider_prices.sql: Includes an INNER JOIN between bronze__complete_provider_prices.sql and bronze__complete_provider_asset_metadata on asset_id to enable platform specific filtering and adds incremental logic on modified_timestamp.
      • silver__complete_token_asset_metadata.sql: Directly references bronze__complete_token_asset_metadata.sql and includes incremental logic on modified_timestamp.
      • silver__complete_token_prices.sql: Directly references bronze__complete_token_prices.sql and includes incremental logic on modified_timestamp.
    • Add respective .yml files for each silver model, which includes DBT tests.
  3. Gold Schema (price)

    • Each Gold price model should be materialized as a view and includes the persist_docs param.
    {{ config(
        materialized = 'view',
        persist_docs ={ "relation": true,
        "columns": true }
    ) }}
    • Add the following price schema models (price__<table_name>). Please reference fsc_evm price macros for details.
      • price__dim_asset_metadata.sql: Directly references silver__complete_provider_asset_metadata.sql and updates column names.
      • price__ez_asset_metadata.sql: Unions all data from silver__complete_token_asset_metadata.sql and silver__complete_native_asset_metadata.sql, adds the is_native BOOL column and updates other column names.
      • price__ez_prices_hourly.sql: Unions all data from silver__complete_token_prices.sql and silver__complete_native_prices.sql, adds the is_native BOOL column and updates other column names.
      • price__fact_prices_ohlc_hourly.sql: Directly references silver__complete_provider_prices.sql and updates column names.
    • Add respective .yml files for each gold model, which includes table and column level descriptions.

Examples, References & Sources:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️