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Building and Deploying Bridge Models

Bridges, also known as cross-chain transfer protocols, are platforms that enable the transfer of assets and data between different blockchain networks. These protocols facilitate interoperability in the fragmented blockchain ecosystem, allowing users to move tokens and other digital assets across disparate chains without relying on completely on centralized intermediaries. For blockchain networks, including EVMs, bridge activity typically occurs through specialized smart contracts deployed on both the source and destination chains. These contracts work in tandem to lock assets on one chain and mint or release equivalent representations on another, ensuring that the total supply of bridged assets remains consistent across networks. This guide will detail how to 1) Research activity on Bridge protocols and 2) Build the Silver/Gold DBT model layers for Bridges.

Research Phase

Please reference the Research Phase section in How to Research and Curate EVM Protocols for official documentation on the research process. The following information will be relevant to Bridge Activity.


  • In order to properly build a Bridge model, you'll need to identify the contract or bridge address for the protocol. This address is crucial as it serves as the primary point of interaction for users initiating cross-chain transfers. You'll also need to understand the specific events emitted by the bridge contracts, and while these models focus on events stemming from the Source Chain to the Destination Chain, it's important to track both sides of a bridge transaction to get a complete picture of the transfer and fully understand the implications of the events/functions. Some key metrics to consider during the research phase are:
    • The source and destination chain identifiers
    • Token addresses and amounts on both chains
    • User addresses initiating and receiving the transfers
    • Transaction hashes on both chains
    • Block Number and Timestamp of the initiation and completion of the transfer

Best Practices, Tips & Tricks:

  • Bridge events generally occur directly on the router or Bridge contract address. We are typically tracking Bridge events OUT from the Source to the Destination Chain, rather than Bridge events IN to the Source Chain.
    • While Bridge events are similarly structured between the majority of protocols, certain ones may refer to token and amount sent differently.
    • Other protocols may be structured more similarly to DEX Liquidity Pools and Swaps models. Please see silver_bridge.stargate_swap for examples on how to build these models.
  • It is common to build Bridge models with silver.decoded_logs, rather than manually parse via silver.logs. This is because the structure of the data in each emitted event may vary widely and therefore, it is more straightforward / performant to use the decoded tables as the foundation.
    • Required logic to parse Bridge Transfers/Transactions Out from the Source to the Destination Chain may vary widely per protocol or protocol version. In some cases, certain protocols (such as Wormhole) may not have the required values emitted in events. You may need to reference transfers tables or traces to successfully parse all relevant columns that make up a Bridge transaction.

Silver Layer Modeling

This guide outlines the process of creating the Silver Layer DBT models for tracking Bridge events, transfers or traces on EVM-compatible blockchains, along with the applicable DBT tests for maintaining data integrity. This includes both Protocol Specific and Curated Complete models.

Please reference the Silver Layer Modeling section in How to Research and Curate EVM Protocols for more details on the modeling process. The following information is related directly to Bridge Activity only.

1. Protocol Specific Models


Built with silver.logs, silver.decoded_logs and/or silver.traces, silver.decoded_traces, the Silver models are designed to capture essential information about Bridge Activity OUT from the Source to the Destination Chain, rather than Bridge Activity IN to the Source Chain. This includes token and amount sent, sender address, recipient address, destination chain and other relevant values.

Best Practices, Tips & Tricks:

  • In rare cases, models may require contract reads to collect the tokens and other relevant metadata, if they cannot be parsed onchain through event logs or traces. Please reference the guide on Contract Reads for more details.
  • Some protocols may have different deployed versions or topic_0 / events for swaps on same or different contract addresses. If the structure of the event is different, we typically deploy multiple models for each version (e.g. silver_bridge.across_fundsdeposited, silver_bridge.across_v3fundsdeposited.

Implementation Steps, Variables & Notes:

  1. Set up the model configuration
    • Use incremental materialization with a delete+insert strategy.
    • Define a unique key to identify each record that the incremental strategy should apply to. The unique key defined in the config will be different than the unique column / unique row in the table. This is because the model must delete+insert on a broader key to properly handle block reorg scenarios. Please see the Block Reorg guide for more information. We typically use block_number in Bridge models because it allows us to reload blocks in their entirety, rather than reloading by transaction or event and potentially missing, loading or deleting incorrect records.
    • Cluster by columns with low cardinality, such as block_timestamp::DATE, to improve query performance.
    • Add relevant tags for model categorization (typically tagged as curated and reorg) so that the model may be picked up by the relevant scheduled workflows.
{{ config(
    materialized = 'incremental',
    incremental_strategy = 'delete+insert',
    unique_key = "block_number",
    cluster_by = ['block_timestamp::DATE'],
    tags = ['curated','reorg']
) }}
  1. Create a CTE for Bridge events

    • Manually parse event data to extract relevant information (token address, amount sent, sender address, recipient address, destination chain etc.).
      • For incremental runs, filter data based on the latest _inserted_timestamp, with a 12 hour lookback.
  2. Add the final SELECT statement

    • Select all relevant fields from the Bridge events CTE.
    • Manually add the protocol name as the platform, where necessary.
    • If not already emitted in the event, determine the destination_chain_receiver address. For bridging between EVMs or EVM L2s, this column is typically the same as the receiver address. However, for non-EVMs, the address may vary and requires decoding/encoding via UDFs. Please see the silver_bridge.wormhole_transfers for examples on how this can be transformed.
    • The source_chain and/or destination_chain values may not come standardized within the protocol's emitted events. Please see silver_bridge.allbridge_sent for examples on how we attempt to standardize these values.
  3. Create the .yml file and add table/column level tests

    • At minimum tests should include, but are not limited to, the following;
      • Uniqueness on 1+ columns (typically _log_id but may vary by model)
      • not_null tests on bridge_address, token_address, amount, sender, receiver and destination_chain_receiver
version: 2
  - name: silver_bridge__celer_cbridge_send
      - dbt_utils.unique_combination_of_columns:
            - _LOG_ID
      - name: BLOCK_NUMBER

Examples, References & Sources:

2. Complete Models


The complete_bridge_activity model aggregates all protocol specific Bridge models together into one, allowing centralized joins on silver.contracts and ez_prices_hourly for token metadata, hourly price data, streamlined logic and standardized columns. This includes platform names, versions, USD amounts, symbols, decimals and other relevant columns for all Bridge Activity.

Best Practices, Tips & Tricks:

  • Protocol Versions: If there are multiple versions of a protocol, coming from separate models, each should have it's own CTE.
    • The name for the platform column should include both the protocol and version separated by a -(dash). You do not need to include, v1, but instead begin incrementing at v2 and beyond.
    • The version column should represent a version specific to the CTE/model being referenced. For example, if there are multiple CTEs/models required for Across, you would add across as the platform and v1 as the version in the first CTE, then across-v3 as the platform and v3 as the version in the next CTE. This is required because the delete+insert incremental strategy uses both platform and version to identify new incremental records.
  • When adding new Protocols/CTEs/models to the complete model, please pay attention to the number of columns being pulled through, the order of those columns and the data type/format and names of those columns, as this will materially impact the output of the model.
    • More specifically, pay attention to how destination_chain and destination_chain_id are handled, or if these columns are NULL/missing entirely. Unique logic may be required for certain Bridges.
      • In some cases, only the chain_id is available and we need to join the chain list found in external.defillama.dim_chains to get the chain names, or vice versa.

Implementation Steps, Variables & Notes:

  1. Set up the model configuration
    • Use incremental materialization with a delete+insert strategy.
    • Define a unique key to identify each record that the incremental strategy should apply to. The unique key defined in the config will be different than the unique column / unique row in the table. This is because the model must delete+insert on a broader key to properly handle block reorg scenarios. Please see the Block Reorg guide for more information. We typically use ['block_number','platform','version'] in the complete swaps model because it allows us to reload blocks, platforms and versions in their entirety, rather than reloading by transaction or event and potentially missing, loading or deleting incorrect records.
    • Cluster by columns with low cardinality, such as block_timestamp::DATE and platform, to improve query performance.
    • Add Search Optimization (SO) in the post_hook with EQUALITY and SUBSTRING. Please only add SO on non-number columns, where applicable.
    • Add relevant tags for model categorization (typically tagged as ['curated','reorg','heal']) so that the model may be picked up by the relevant scheduled workflows.
{{ config(
    materialized = 'incremental',
    incremental_strategy = 'delete+insert',
    unique_key = ['block_number','platform','version'],
    cluster_by = ['block_timestamp::DATE','platform'],
    post_hook = "ALTER TABLE {{ this }} ADD SEARCH OPTIMIZATION ON EQUALITY(tx_hash, origin_from_address, origin_to_address, origin_function_signature, bridge_address, sender, receiver, destination_chain_receiver, destination_chain_id, destination_chain, token_address, token_symbol), SUBSTRING(origin_function_signature, bridge_address, sender, receiver, destination_chain_receiver, destination_chain, token_address, token_symbol)",
    tags = ['curated','reorg','heal']
) }}
  1. Create CTEs for each Protocol Specific model/version, where applicable.
    • Select all columns from the source table
    • Use standardized column names, as each of these CTEs will be unioned together towards the end of the model.
      • Add columns with NULL values in cases where the column exists in other Protocol Specific CTEs.
        • Columns for destination chain may require additional minor transformations.
    • Hardcode the platform and version, if not done already.
    • For incremental runs, filter data based on the latest _inserted_timestamp, with the LOOKBACK variable, defaulted to 4 hours.
      • The name used to reference `var('HEAL_MODELS') should match the name of the CTE.
across_v3 AS (
        'v3' AS version,
        destination_chain_id :: STRING AS destination_chain_id,
        NULL AS destination_chain,
        NULL AS token_symbol,
        amount AS amount_unadj,
        _log_id AS _id,
        {{ ref('silver_bridge__across_v3fundsdeposited') }}

{% if is_incremental() and 'across_v3' not in var('HEAL_MODELS') %}
    _inserted_timestamp >= (
            MAX(_inserted_timestamp) - INTERVAL '{{ var("LOOKBACK", "4 hours") }}'
            {{ this }}
{% endif %}
  1. Union all Protocol Specific CTEs together with SELECT * and UNION ALL
all_bridges AS (
  1. Create the complete CTE based on the unioned data, and apply transformation logic.

    • Apply any and all transformation logic required to properly produce the values needed for the different protocols, using as much standardized logic as possible.
    • This is where you will join silver.contracts and price.ez_prices_hourly to include applicable USD bridge pricing and token metadata values.
  2. Add the heal_model CTE with the HEAL_MODEL var. For for information, please see the Incremental Heal Logic guide.

    • For Bridge Activity, we typically need to ensure that late-arriving decimals and USD amounts are properly handled.
  3. Create the final SELECT statement.

    • Add the id column using dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key and include the column that represents one unique row.
    • Add inserted_timestamp and modified_timestamp using SYSDATE() to represent the timestamp where new rows are inserted or modified in the model.
    • Add the _invocation_id column, which outputs a UUID generated for each newly inserted row. For more information, please see DBT Docs: invocation_id.
    {{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(
    ) }} AS complete_bridge_activity_id,
    SYSDATE() AS inserted_timestamp,
    SYSDATE() AS modified_timestamp,
    '{{ invocation_id }}' AS _invocation_id
  1. Create the .yml file and add table/column level tests
    • At minimum tests should include, but are not limited to, the following;
      • Uniqueness on 1+ columns (typically _log_id but may vary by model)
      • not_null tests on bridge_address, token_address, amount, sender, receiver and destination_chain_receiver

Examples, References & Sources:

Gold Layer Modeling

Please reference the Gold Layer Modeling section in How to Research and Curate EVM Protocols for more details on the modeling process. The following information is related directly to Bridge Activity only.


This guide outlines the process of creating the Gold Layer DBT models for tracking Bridge events, transfers or traces on EVM-compatible blockchains, along with the applicable table and column descriptions for transparency and documentation. The Gold model will select directly from the complete model, and will be surfaced to all users and clients.

Implementation Steps, Variables & Notes:

  1. Set up the model configuration
    • Use view materialization.
    • Add persist_docs, with relation and columns set to `true.
    • Add database_tags to the meta section in the config. These should include the names of every PROTOCOL (platform) in the model, along with one word values that define the PURPOSE (category) of the model.
{{ config(
    materialized = 'view',
    persist_docs ={ "relation": true,
    "columns": true },
    'PURPOSE': 'BRIDGE' } } }
) }}
  1. SELECT all relevant columns to pull through from complete_bridge_activity and surface to users in the Gold layer.

    • Adjust the column names so that they are intuitive for a user analyzing what the table represents, which in this case, is an EZ view on DEX Swap events and related USD values.
    • Apply custom logic to NULL USD amounts in cases where the USD value is greater than 1e15. We do this to avoid overstating volumes in cases where bridging between low-liquidity tokens applies.
    • Apply the ROUND function, and round to the nearest 2 decimals to emulate USD denominations.
  2. Create the .yml file and add table/column level descriptions.

Examples, References & Sources: