Install Guide - FlashShifter/StardewValleyExpanded GitHub Wiki


This page helps install Stardew Valley Expanded manually. See also install instructions for the ModDrop mod manager. A new save is recommended.

Upon installing SMAPI the command console will spit out a code for steam users to copy. Go into properties of Startdew Valley in Steam and paste this code into the Launch Options box.


Installing SVE

Required Mods

  1. Install these three mods:

Main Mod

  1. Find your game folder. Open the Mods folder inside there.
  2. Download Stardew Valley Expanded from Nexus Mods.
  3. Unzip the downloaded folder before moving it to Mods. Make sure to move the unzipped folder into your mods folder.

Optional Files

Grandpa's Farm and Immersive Farm 2 Remastered (IF2R)

You can change your farm layout by installing Grandpa's Farm or IF2R. They are new farm maps that replace the standard layout. Only one can be installed at a time, so you'll need to choose which one will compliment your play style:

  1. Download Immersive Farm 2 Remastered or Grandpa's Farm under Main Files, then unzip it.
  2. Drag the Immersive Farm 2 Remastered or Grandpa's Farm folder into your Mods folder.
  3. STANDARD FARM must be selected upon start of a new save file for this map to load.

Grampleton Fields

You can add a huge farmable field to the game, located east of Shearwater Bridge. View the full map here. Warning: It's a very large map and can cause extended loading times. A strong computer is recommended to run this map.

  1. Download Grampleton Fields under Miscellaneous files.
  2. Drag the Grampleton Fields folder into your Mods folder.

Prepare an existing save

If you're starting a new save (recommended), you're done! You can skip this section. Follow these steps if adding the mod with an existing save file.

  1. Install Reset Terrain Features. See the mod description for instructions on opening the menu. Reset all trees and bushes using the mod. If you skip this step... bushes, trees, and debris will be all over the place and won't make sense.
  2. You may need No Clip to reach anything remaining that is otherwise inaccessible.

Known issue: grass will never spawn outside the farm on existing saves. There's currently no fix for this, but you can use Time Freeze and CJB Item Spawner to place grass manually. If you don't mind grass not spawning outside the farm, you can just ignore this.

Updating SVE

Remove all old files in your mods directory and install the new files as explained here on this page.

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