Sprint 1 Report - FlameSpyro/Cyber-Security-Survival-Kit GitHub Wiki

Sprint 1 Statement: Warmup + Reworking

  • Last semester I failed to put enough time into my project's original versions, leaving the original GitHub to be seen as completely lackluster. Now that the topic for my project was combined and going from a different perspective I found it best to restart all my documentation to be properly updated and documented for my steps leading to this week. This week was more about getting into the groove for my project with planning, research and topics I would like to cover.

Rework Github

  • As mentioned above the main objective was to rework the github. I just created this page to summarize my progress on all my boarded issues for what I did and didn't finish. I also find it necessary to link the old wikis as some bits and pieces are still important. Also, I found it important to see all steps of this project. Not all sections are properly fleshed out but with the massive changes in my project I intend to flesh it out more as I breakdown my project.

Finalize Lab Layout

  • This is the one mark on my project I wasn't able to complete for an important reason. After a discussion with my professor which was documented in my weekly reflections. Because the difference in my audience could change how big the environment is.

Purchase and Read Cybersecurity for Dummies

  • There isn't much to report regarding this. I have been reading and taking notes of the book and its layout as I go, there is no official documentation on the GitHub as of writing this but I intend to publish those once I get there.

My audience

  • While not fully set in stone yet I intend my audience to be people who own and can navigate a computer. However, have no idea how to navigate more of the advanced aspects of a machine. The reason this is so important is because of the number of tools and parts software such as Security Onion provides, a decent amount of the tools won't be needed as it would only apply to a cybersecurity-focused audience. I am creating the environment next week with this in mind.