USER STORIES - FenneAustin/Slack-Clone GitHub Wiki
1. Workspaces
As a logged in user, I want to be able to create a new workspace
Acceptance Criteriia: I should be able to...
Click on a '+' button on the vertical navbar on the left side that takes me to a create workspace page where user can edit workspace info
have a workspace name section to fill in
have a workspace profile picture to fill in
see a notification if either of those reach a max char limit
hit create button to create the workspace and be routed to new workspace
modal settings button on workspace homepage to edit workspace
(Sign in )
When signed in be able to see a list of all your workspaces on the left side
By default the top most workspace should be selected on log in
Click on any of the workspaces on the left navbar and be shown correct channel/workspace info
(Must be signed in)
navigate to settings modal
have a delete button
update name section
update profile image section
(logged in)
Ability to see a delete button on the settings modal if admin
Upon clicking delete another modal should ask if you are sure you want to delete this workspace
2. Channels
As a logged in user, I want to be able to create a new channel
Acceptance Criteriia: I should be able to...
Click on a '+' button on the vertical navbar next to the tag 'channels' that bring up a create channel modal page where user can edit channel info
have a channel name section to fill in
see a notification if name reaches max limit
have a add users section
hit create button to create the channel and be routed to new channel
modal settings button on channel homepage to edit workspace
(Sign in )
When signed in be able to see a list of all your channels on the left side
Click on any of the channel on the left navbar and be shown correct channel info
(Must be signed in and owner)
navigate to channel and click edit button
update name section
update profile image section
(logged in )
Ability to see a delete button on the settings modal if admin
Upon clicking delete another modal should ask if you are sure you want to delete this channel
3. Direct messages
As a logged in user, I want to be able to create a new dm
Acceptance Criteriia: I should be able to...
Click on a '+' button on the vertical navbar next to the tag 'Direct messages' that bring up a create messaages modal page where user can edit message info
have a user name section to fill in
user dming must exists
have add text section
hit send button to create the dm and be routed to dm
modal settings button on dm page to edit dm
(Sign in )
When signed in be able to see a list of all your dms on the left side
Click on any of the dms on the left navbar and be shown correct dm info
(Must be signed in and owner)
navigate to dm and click edit button
update text section
click save or cancel to update dm
(logged in and dm owner )
Ability to see a delete button on the dm
Upon clicking delete another modal should ask if you are sure you want to delete this dm
4. Workspace invitations
As a logged in admin user, I want to be able to add new people to workspace
Acceptance Criteriia: I should be able to...
Click on a '+' button on the vertical navbar next to the tag 'workspace name here' that bring up a modal page where user can add other users by email
have a user email section to fill in
hit send button to create the invitation
(Sign in )
When signed in be able to see a list of all your pending invites in a settings modal under 'workspace name heading'
view all invitations from modal
(Must be signed in and owner)
navigate to invitations modal
click 'edit' button next to pending invitations
ability to update email section
(logged in and dm owner )
navigate to invitations modal
Upon clicking 'x' button on the pending invitations list it will cancel the invitation