Installation - Fenixin/Minecraft-Region-Fixer GitHub Wiki


Running using the source code

If you want to run region fixer you need to install the python interpreter. You will need to install python version 3.x (x meaning whatever number but the bigger the better). Get 32 or 64bits depending on your platform, 64bits preferred. You can install it from the Microsoft Store within Windows 10. Just open the start menu in windows and write "Microsoft store", search for python and it will install and configure it for you.

You can also download it from the official web and install it yourself. Be warned, if you don't add python binaries to the PATH you won't be able to run regionfixer, see Troubleshooting. You can download it from:

Getting started

First you have to download the source code. Te source is in github, you can find a download button at the bottom of the right column. Also here it is a direct link:

Decompress it using your favourite software in any place, but please, rememeber where.

Using the command line interface

Now run a CMD window. If you have windows 7/8 is as easy as write cmd in the start menu search and run it. At this point you have to change directory you are on to the one that stores region-fixer. To do this use the "cd" command. For example:

c:\Users\Fenixin\> cd Desktop
c:\Users\Fenixin\Desktop\cd ..

If you don't know how, google it! There are a lot of good tutorials, youtube is also a good place to search.

Finally you can run region-fixer, for that you will have to run something simillar to this:

python "c:\Users\Owner\Minecraft-worlds\broken-world\"

this command will scan the whole world and report any problems found.

Region-Fixer has a lot of useful options run "python --help" to see them all.

For examples on how to use it see Usage.


For linux the best way is to get the source from github using your preferred method, for example: git clone

To run it you only need the python interpreter which is most probably installed already in your distribution.

For examples on how to use it see Usage.


First I have to say I don't own a Mac and I can't really write a tutorial for this. Said that, you need the same as in Linux: python and wxpython (for the GUI). Once installed it must work exactly the same way as in linux.

If you have a better tutorial for mac I will be more than happy to post it here.

For examples on how to use it see Usage.