MQTT Features - FengtianGu/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki

Sonoff responds to the following MQTT commands using MQTT Topic for cmnd/sonoff/<command> and MQTT Message/Payload for <parameter>:

  • The relay can be controlled with cmnd/sonoff/power on, cmnd/sonoff/power off or cmnd/sonoff/power toggle. Sonoff will send a MQTT status message like stat/sonoff/POWER ON.

  • The power state message can be sent with the retain flag set. Enable this with cmnd/sonoff/PowerRetain on.

  • The telemetry messages can also be sent with the retain flag, but this is a compile time option. See #1071.

  • For Sonoff Dual or 4CH the relays need to be addressed with cmnd/sonoff/power<x>, where <x> is the relay number from 1 to 2 (Dual) or from 1 to 4 (4CH).

  • The MQTT topic can be changed with cmnd/sonoff/topic sonoff1 which reboots sonoff and makes it available for MQTT commands like cmnd/sonoff1/power on.

  • The OTA firmware location can be made known to sonoff with cmnd/sonoff/otaurl http://domus1:80/api/sonoff/sonoff.ino.bin where domus1 is your web server hosting the firmware. Reset to default with cmnd/sonoff/otaurl 1.

  • Upgrade OTA firmware with cmnd/sonoff/upgrade 1.

  • Show all status information with cmnd/sonoff/status 0.

  • The button can send a MQTT message to the broker that in turn will switch the relay. To configure this you need to perform cmnd/sonoff/ButtonTopic sonoff where sonoff equals to Topic. The message can also be provided with the retain flag by cmnd/sonoff/ButtonRetain on.

  • Sonoff Pow status can be retrieved with cmnd/sonoff/status 8 or periodically every 5 minutes using cmnd/sonoff/TelePeriod 300.

  • When a Sonoff Pow threshold like PowerLow has been met a message tele/sonoff/POWER_LOW ON will be sent. When the error is corrected a message tele/sonoff/POWER_LOW OFF will be sent.

While most MQTT commands will result in a message in JSON format the power status feedback will always be returned like stat/sonoff/POWER ON too.

Telemetry data will be sent by prefix tele like tele/sonoff/SENSOR {"Time":"2017-02-16T10:13:52", "DS18B20":{"Temperature":20.6}}

MQTT Topic definition

Until version 5.0.5 the MQTT topic was defined rigidly by using the commands Prefix<x> and Topic resulting in a command topic string like cmnd/sonoff/Power.

Starting with version 5.0.5 the MQTT topic is more flexible using command FullTopic and tokens to be placed within the user definable string up to 100 characters in size. The provided tokens are:

  • %prefix% to be dynamically substituted by one of three prefixes as defined by commands Prefix1 (default: "cmnd"), Prefix2 (default: "stat") and Prefix3 (default: "tele").
  • %topic% to be dynamically substituted by one of five topics as defined by commands Topic, GroupTopic, ButtonTopic, SwitchTopic and MqttClient.

Using the tokens the following example topics can be made:

  • FullTopic %prefix%/%topic%/ being the legacy situation up to version 5.0.5
  • FullTopic tasmota/%topic%/%prefix%/
  • FullTopic tasmota/bedroom/%topic%/%prefix%/
  • FullTopic penthouse/bedroom1/bathroom2/%topic%/%prefix%/

To solve possible MQTT topic loops I strongly suggest to use the %prefix% token in all of your FullTopics. It may work without %prefix% as I implemented some validation by forcing the use of a prefix in commands send to the device but status and telemetry do not need a prefix. Just play with it and report strange problems I might solve in the future.

The use of the %topic% token is also mandatory in case you want to use ButtonTopic and/or SwitchTopic. It also provides for grouptopic and fallback topic functionality.

Recommendation: Use both tokens at all time within your FullTopic string

Send multiple MQTT commands at once

To change connectivity configuration over MQTT you can (should) use the Backlog command to send multiple commands to your Sonoff(s) at once and prevent reboot between the commands. For example you can change the wifi SSID and Password in one step by sending the following MQTT message to your sonoff's Backlog topic:

mosquitto_pub -t 'cmnd/yoursonoff/Backlog' -m 'ssid1 yournewssid; password1 yournewpassword'

Your Sonoff will be rebooted after both settings are written to the configuration, so your device will connect to the new network. You can also change the MQTT connection parameters the same way and of course any other settings.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️