Testing Bypasses - FastForwardTeam/FastForward GitHub Wiki


Don't waste your time with compliance. FastForward automatically skips annoying link shorteners.


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Testing Bypasses

Nice! You finished writing your first bypass, but now you'll need to test it to make sure it works and can be published to the main repository.

There are multiple ways to find a testing link for your bypass, but generally it's good to try your bypass on at least 3 different links before making a pull request.

Building the Extension

You'll first need to build the extension to load it into your browser.
Check the [Building the Extension](Building The Extension.md) page to learn how to do that. Once you do that, you'll need to enable the development extension in your browser.

Using the Link in a Github Issue

If you are making a bypass for a site mentioned in an issue and the OP has provided an example link, you can use that link to test your bypass.

Making Your Own Link

If you are making a new bypass from scratch or there was no link provided in the issue, you can generate your own link to test your bypass. However, the process of making your own link can vary.

File-hosting / Link Shortener

These sites tend to be shady, so proceed with caution (and a good ad-blocker) on any of these sites. You can choose any website to be the final destination, but I advise against using google.com because many websites use Google APIs in their source code, so it may be hard to find how the final destination is loaded. If the site you are testing on requires an account, I HIGHLY recommend using 10minutemail.com to create a temporary email address.

Sites With Custom Redirection

These type of sites tend to be easier, as these sites tend to have many outbound links. Simply find an outbound link on the site with your development extension enabled and see whether you are instantly redirected to the final destination.


If your bypass works, congratulations! You can submit a pull request and have it added to the extension.

If your bypass doesn't work, you should go back and try to find the problem. If you can't find the problem, you can ask for help in the Discord server.

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