Errors & Solutions - FarbstoffRSL/RSL-Helper GitHub Wiki

[FireDAC][Phys][SQLite] ERROR: database disk image is malformed

Delete %appdata%\RslHelper\Config\RslHelper.db.
To do so, you can run the command from Windows Run:

  • Press keys WIN + R.
  • Paste this to the opening Window
    cmd /c "del %appdata%\RslHelper\Config\RslHelper.db"
  • Press Run

Rename RSLHelper.ini

Rename %appdata%\RslHelper\Config\RSLHelper.ini.
To do so, you can run the command from Windows Run:

  • Press keys WIN + R.
  • Paste this to the opening Window
    cmd /c "rename %appdata%\RslHelper\Config\RSLHelper.ini RSLHelper_bkup.ini"
  • Press Run


You are running these commands at your own risk. We will take no responsability.