Auto Sell Hint - FarbstoffRSL/RSL-Helper GitHub Wiki


To auto sell artefacts, the helper must know the coordinates of the sell button, the artefact and so on.
For this reason the helper resizes the window to a predefined window size.


If you use borderless windows, you might change this for this raid client. Otherwise the helper cant resize the window (client).


The window must be resized because larger windows got other coordinates to press the sell button. The coordinate on a fullsceen client is an other than in a custom sized on. And to prevent this, the window is getting resized.

Fix on mistakes

If you changed the window size by mistake while auto sell is active, just uncheck auto sell and check it again. The helper will resize teh window again. If you just changed to fullscreen, its ok to untoggle fullscreen, the window should have the correct size.